Heart to Head, but Maybe That Head's Just an Unwilling Heart. . .

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First Person - David Chiem

The time we spent in the computer lab alone shortly ended when another pair entered. I notioned Xander to follow me out, and of course, he did. Why wouldn't he have? He's just like a dog, always following, and would probably get on his knees if I told him too.. Wait, what was I saying?

"Where should we go now, Mr. David?"

"Well, I do want to check out the rooms a little more.. You know, the ones we woke up in? There might be something important that I missed there."

"Great idea, Mr. David! Let's not waste anymore time. Not that just standing here talking to you is a waste of time--"

I grabbed Xander's hand, making sure he wouldn't try to fall behind again. Having someone watch my back at all time is fine, but it's easier to manipulate someone if they think you mean the most to them. Xander seems opposed to the idea of being equal, as if I'm some higher power. I'd like him more if he expected less of me, but everyone here that doesn't expect anything from me at all also doesn't like me, which is even worse. Worse? Who cares about them? They're all just as useless as me, I've just learned to use my head and to use their hearts. It's only worse since they don't listen to anything I say, and I mean absolutely nothing. Maybe if the only words they listened to were 'shut up,' I could ignore them and their loud, disgusting fucking mouths. They just open their mouths and words come out, they're coming from nowhere. My words are meaningless, but atleast I'm pulling them out of my ass and thinking before speaking. Those brain dead idiots don't have a clue on what they're saying; I talk to take power, they talk just to talk. The only reason I picked Xander was because, at least a quarter of the time, he isn't talking just to talk. He does spout stupid shit often, but at least he 'inspires' people to trust him.

I suggested that we'd check my room before his, well, more like I ordered. He seemed to be opposed to searching through my room and breaching my 'privacy,' so I took it upon myself to look through a few drawers and try to actually find things. Nothing was useful, it was all useless and a waste of time, I just wanted an excuse to get away from all those people. I stopped searching and sat down on the bed in my room. It's not my bed. The desk isn't mine, nor the walls or the doorknobs, but this is my room. This is the last room I'll ever have. I could call this bedroom my room, sleep in it, sit down at the desk, stare at the TV screen for hours as if it were a window and maybe even just peer into my own eyes by staring at the reflection in the bathroom mirror. Even after doing all those things, nothing in here will ever be mine. Xander hadn't a clue why I had stopped searching. I mean, how could he have? But I called him over to sit right there, next to me, in my own room, on the bed inside of it. He looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes, but in the end, he obliged.

We sat there for a few minutes in dead silence, mainly due to the fact that he wanted me to speak first, and I was busy looking down at my feet while they tapped the floor. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm not very sure, he grew more and more anxious for me to open my mouth and let words fall loosely. He wouldn't care if they were meaningless, because if those words fell to the floor then he'd rush to catch them before they landed. He cleared his throat, "Uhm.. Mr. David, why have we stopped searching?" My tapping came to a halt, but I still kept staring down, watching nothing. I had done this to let Xander know that I was still sane, but he wasn't very worried about that. Anxious and anxious, he became aching for just one word to be said, and even got to be a little apprehensive. Soon, he was the one that began tapping his feet on the floor. I shifted my gaze from my feet to his, but still had not said a word. "...Mr. David?" His eyes were filled with energy, energy that wouldn't ever stay still. Every movement of mine made him become brighter, and every second that was spent staying completely still made him go dull. I felt him growing agitated, yearning for just a noise at this point, but I wouldn't even tap my feet along with him anymore.

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