🦋Frank x Reader✒️

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Requested by: OgGangster

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You tended to flowers with Frank while he watched some butterflies flutter around. You turned your head to see Frank staring at the butterflies like a little kid seeing fireworks for the first time.

To put it plainly, he was adorable. It was adorable how excited he got when seeing or even talking about butterflies. He was so passionate about them.

Of course he had other interests but nothing could compare to his love/interest for butterflies. You didn't quite understand it but you loved seeing Frank happy.

You're interest was flowers. Like Frank you had a whole book of them, to be specific an encyclopedia of flowers. And you didn't have just one but multiple books about flowers and just plants in general.

You watered one of the flowers in Frank's backyard when suddenly a butterfly landed near one of the flowers near you. "Oh, hello little butterfly." You smiled. The butterfly obviously didn't respond, it being a butterfly.

The butterfly began sucking nectar from the flower it was on. You could slightly understand why Frank was so encapsulated by them. It wasn't just their wings, but also their life cycles, how they eat, what they do, everything about them interested Frank.

It was one of the main reasons he had a specific time for checking on Howdy to see if he's turned into a butterfly or is at least cocooning. Spoiler alert, Howdy hasn't......yet.

Frank came closer to you, trying to get a better glimpse of the butterfly. Your smile widened at this. "Frank could you tell me what kind of butterfly this is? I don't seem to be able to remember."

Frank's eyes immediately lit up. "Well you see this one is a painted lady, although it may seem like a Monarch there's a difference with the wings. You see Painted Ladies lack the vein pattern on their wings that Monarchs are most known for."

Frank continued to ramble on about the butterfly. You just stood there crouched down listening to him ramble. You loved hearing him ramble. It was so nice. His voice was so soothing.

Hearing his ramblings was one of the things he did to help you sleep. It didn't matter exactly what he rambled about, you'd listen. Of course there were plenty of times where you'd forget to pay attention or zone out during one of his ramblings but he didn't seem to mind too much.

You calmly pushed yourself out of your thoughts before getting an evil idea. You grabbed one of Frank's hands to which he looked down to and then quickly up at you. You then placed a kiss onto his lips before smiling at him.

Frank just blushed and looked away. This was one of your many ways of getting him to stop rambling. However this time you only did it for fun. And to see his blushing face.

"What was that for?" You shook your head. "Nothing~"


I'm gonna make a Frank Headcanons chapter at some point just you wait :
>:) anyways I'll see you in the next one!


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