Soulmates? Soulmates. (M. Cline)

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Y/N inhaled as she took another hit of the blunt, feeling warm and tingly all over as the weed entered her lungs. She was currently at a cast party for Outer Banks with her friend Jonathan.

Her and Jonathan had met on the set of "Do Revenge" and hit it off instantly. They had become the bestest of friends in the short time they were together on the set of that movie.

He had invited her to the Outer Banks party because he wanted her to meet the people he considered to be his family and luckily for him, they got on fantastically. Her and Madison already had a brunch date planned, Rudy had promised to go hiking with her, Chase planned to take her to one of Kelsea's concerts with him.

The only person Y/N hadn't met was Madelyn. The blonde was running late to the party, (she really needs to make sure the dresses she wears beat her to the place she's going) so Y/N hung out with JD and Carlacia (who had just arrived).

Jonathan had been talking about the blonde girl to Y/N a LOT. He was trying to match them up. Madelyn had just come out recently and JD thought they would make a great couple. Madelyn had stalked Y/N's Instagram quite a few times, finding the girl extremely attractive.

JD had told her some stuff about Y/N too.

How she liked sports, what her favorite moves were, other favorites. Even though she knew a lot about Y/N, she was nervous to meet her. What she didn't know was that Y/N was equally as nervous to meet her.

Madelyn walked into the party fashionably late (literally) and was instantly greeted by Madison who handed her a drink. "C'mon Cline. You gotta catch up."

Madelyn was a couple of drinks in when JD found her. "There you are! Come on! You gotta meet Y/N!" The blonde's heart began beating erratically. She was finally gonna meet the girl she had been simping over?

The two found Y/N talking with Rudy, eyes bloodshot as the two giggled at a TikTok they were watching.

"Y/N! I have someone I want you to meet!"

Y/N's eyes flickered up to JD, saw Madelyn and it was like the word stopped for the two of them.

Madelyn made her way to Y/N, who was now standing. "Hi." Y/N took a deep breath. "Hi." Jonathan and Rudy could sense the tension (sexual tension) and made their leave, leaving the two girls alone.

Madelyn felt herself blush hard under Y/N's gaze. "I'm Madelyn." She stuck her hand out for Y/N to shake. Y/N gently grabbed the blonde's hand and kissed the back of it. "I'm Y/N." Madelyn blushed even harder at Y/N's charm.

The two sat on the couch and began to make small talk.

From across the room, Jonathan and Madison were watching the two with smiles on their faces. "I told you she'd make Y/N soft." Jonathan rolled his eyes.

Over with Y/N and Madelyn, the blonde had never had a connection with anyone like the one she had with Y/N. She wouldn't be opposed if Y/N decided to get down on one knee right now.

The party had died down enough to where Y/N asked Madelyn if she wanted to get out of there. The blonde nodded and allowed Y/N to help her up and say their goodbyes.

Y/N had been nothing short of perfect in Madelyn's eyes. She had opened doors for her, gave her the jacket she was wearing, ("It looks better on you anyway princess.") and now she was buying her food.

Y/N had stopped at a Waffle House and the two sat at a table, enjoying each others presence. Madelyn decided to move the conversation towards family.

"So, any siblings?" Y/N chuckled. "Yup. I got a brother. He actually wrestles." Madelyn raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What's his name?" Y/N smiled at the blonde's eagerness. "Mike. He thinks he's awesome."

Madelyn giggled. "Your brother is the Miz?" Y/N nodded. "You know wrestling?" The blonde shrugged. "I know a little bit." Y/N smiled. "Maybe I can take you to a show one day."

The blonde blushed. "Another date?" Y/N smirked and nodded. "Absolutely."

The couple's food came and they ate in comfortable silence. Y/N paid the bill and the two walked to Y/N's car. "So." Madelyn looked up at Y/N. "So." Y/N gently cupped Madelyn's cheek. "Can I kiss you, Madelyn?"

The blonde nodded and leaned up to eagerly press her lips to Y/N's.

If you asked both girls, it was the best kiss they ever had.

Neither wanted to pull away but air became a necessity so they were forced to. Madelyn's eyes remained closed as Y/N's opened. Y/N chuckled softly and gently pressed her lips to Madelyn's forehead, letting them linger.

"Do you want to come over and binge some Netflix with me?" The blonde nodded, allowing Y/N to help her in the car, getting in and driving to her house.

Now dressed in one of Y/N's crewneck sweatshirts and a pair of her boxers, Madelyn laid her head on Y/N's chest, listening to the girl's heartbeat. Madelyn had never felt this comfortable this quickly with someone.

Y/N was stroking her hair as they watched Gilmore Girls. After a few minutes of silence, Y/N spoke up.

"Mads. I gotta tell you something." The blonde looked up at Y/N, furrowing her eyebrows. "What's up?"

Y/N exhaled deeply. "I have never felt more of a connection with anyone else like I do with you. I know it's our first date but I can't help but ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Madelyn smiled and leaned in to kiss Y/N deeply. Once they pulled away, the blonde spoke again.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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