Midsummers Nightmare (S. Cameron)

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Sarah's heart dropped to her stomach.

Seeing Y/N fall from the Hawk's nest was a sight that she wouldn't forget. Topper stuttered behind her. "Sarah, t-the railing must've been rotten. I hardly touched her okay?"

The blonde tuned out his words as she turned and sprinted down the stairs to Y/N.

Y/N's senses were heightened. Every inch of her body felt like it was on fire with every little movement she made. She could barely breathe and began to hyperventilate as Sarah came running towards her.

"Y/N!" She dropped to her knees next to the girl. Shaky hands hovered over Y/N's body as Sarah shushed the girl. "Shh. You're okay. I'm here. Just breathe."

Y/N groaned in response as the blonde cupped her cheeks. "Hey. Can you open your eyes please?" When Y/N's eyes didn't open, Sarah began to yell for help. "Someone help!"

A couple hundred yards away, Kiara's ears perked up. "Shh. Did you guys hear that?" John B, JJ, and Pope all got quiet before a faint plea for help. They all shot to their feet and ran to where the voice was coming from.

Sarah sat gently cradling Y/N's head. "Shh. I'm here. Help is coming. I promise." Rapid footsteps were heard as the Pogues came up to Sarah. "Sarah, what happened?" John B dropped to his knees on the other side of Y/N, checking for any injuries Sarah might have missed.

"I don't know what to do Topper shoved her." JJ yelled. "Where the hell is he?" Sarah began sobbing. "I don't know. Please, please call for help. I don't care who just call someone."

Pope took off running as the group stayed with Y/N. Kiara was frozen with shock and fear at the sight of the girl she considered a sister sprawled out on the ground and Sarah Cameron planting gentle kisses on Y/N's mouth and cheeks.

15 minutes later, Pope came running back with help. The paramedics placed Y/N on a stretcher and hauled her into the ambulance. John B and JJ helped Sarah back to their van and followed closely behind.

The group made it to St. Olive's as they waited for any update. Sarah had decided to call her dad since she knew he was probably looking for her. Once he heard where she was, he quickly got into his car and sped to the hospital.

By the time he made it there, the Pogues were gone, leaving Sarah in Y/N's room with the promise of coming back in the morning.

Ward walked in and saw Sarah sitting in a chair next to Y/N's bed, holding the hand currently not covered with a cast. He knocked to not startle Sarah and walked in, closing the door behind him. "Hi, sweetie."

Sarah sniffled and turned to her dad. "Hi Dad." Ward kissed her on the head and then sat in the other chair occupying the room. The two sat in silence, the only noise coming from the heart monitor that was reminding Sarah that Y/N was alive.

Ward sighed. "What happened?" Sarah sniffled. "Y/N and I were talking in the Hawk's Nest and I guess Topper followed us there and started being rude and calling me names and when Y/N stepped in to defend me, he shoved her through the railing."

Ward looked at the girl unconscious in the hospital bed and his daughter. Everything seemed to be clicking into place for him. "Sarah, are you and Y/N dating?"

Just that one question crumbled Sarah's resolve as she began to sob. Ward stood and walked over to his daughter, pulling her into his arms. "I didn't want you to find out this way. I swear I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how."

Ward chuckled. "Sarah, honey. I already knew." Sarah froze. "What?" Ward nodded. "Do you remember a couple of months ago you came home from a party at the Boneyard and I caught you sneaking in?"

Sarah blushed and nodded. She remembered that night. Y/N had offered to walk her home when her friends abandoned her for the guys they had gone for. When they reached the Cameron mansion, Sarah had thanked the girl for walking her home with a kiss. Unknowingly, Ward had come down to the kitchen for water and saw the two outside kissing under the stars.

Sarah blushed harder at the new information her dad had shared. "After that night, every time I mentioned Y/N you would get all flustered and nervous. And James told me that he saw you and her at The Wreck a couple of weeks ago on a date."

Sarah closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable disgust from her dad for dating a girl but it never came. He just squeezed her tighter. "Sarah, I'm sorry if I have ever made you feel like you have to hide who you are. I want you to be happy and if being with Y/N makes you happy, then I'm happy."

Relief flooded Sarah's body as she cried in her dad's arms. Ward pulled her back and wiped her tears. "Now, when do I get to meet her parents?" Sarah's face fell. "Well, she doesn't have any. They kicked her out when she came out to them so she's been staying with John B at the Chateau."

Ward's heart broke at the information. "Her parents live here?" Sarah nodded. Ward nodded and walked towards the door. "I'll be back soon. I have some people to see."

An hour later, Y/N began to come to her senses as she turned to Sarah, who was looking at her with a smile on her face. Y/N groaned. "Hi." Sarah smiled wider. "Hi."

Y/N looked around. "Where am I?" Sarah sighed. "St. Olive's. You fell from the Hawk's Nest. You have a concussion, bruised ribs, and a broken wrist." Y/N looked down at the hot pink cast covering her left hand, noticing that Sarah had already signed it.

"Woah." Sarah chuckled. "Pretty cool." Reality sunk in as Y/N realized her situation. "Shit. I have to get out of here. I can't afford the bill and DCS is gonna find me."

Sarah shushed her as Ward walked in. "Hang on there, Y/N." Y/N froze at the sight of her girlfriend's dad. "Sarah told me everything. You guys dating, your parents, you standing up for her at the Hawk's Nest." Y/N looked at Sarah who had a huge smile on her face.

"Y/N. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. And I'm sorry that you had to hide your relationship from me. You make my daughter happy and that's all I care about. I went to your parents and after ripping them a new one, I talked to Peterkin and I've offered to be your legal guardian, if you'll have me."

Y/N sat shocked. Ward accepted their relationship AND he was offering to be her legal guardian? Letting her live in the same vicinity as her girlfriend? It was like it was too good to be true.

Y/N nodded. "Yeah. Sure." Ward smiled as Sarah leaned in and kissed Y/N on the cheek. "Then it's settled. I'll go talk to the doctor about getting you discharged so we can get you home." Y/N smiled at the man as he walked out.

She turned to her girlfriend who was looking at her like she hung the moon and the stars in the sky. "Well, roomie, I for one can't wait to get out of here and into a much more comfortable bed with you in my arms." Sarah blushed. "Who said you couldn't have me in your arms right now?"

Y/N chuckled as the girl, who still had yet to change out of her midsummer dress climbed into the small hospital bed, burying her face in Y/N's neck. Y/N sighed contently, kissing Sarah's temple as the blonde spoke once more.

"I promise you. From now on, I won't let anything happen to you okay? You're gonna be safe with me."

Y/N relaxed fully as her and Sarah fell asleep, waiting for the all clear to go home.


Y/N could get used to that.

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