Chapter 6: The Frog Kiss

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I may not be upset about the time I lost last night that I could have spent sleeping, but it doesn't make me any less tired. I volunteer to take my shower last to allow me a few more minutes of sleep.

Though I'm still tired, I agree to drive. Beth sits in the passenger seat while Reggie and Blake sit in the back. The drive is just as fun as the day before. Even sitting in traffic yesterday with these people was fun. We don't hit any traffic today and the only time we stop is to let Reggie go to the bathroom after insisting that he can't hold it any longer.

"I told you to go before we left," Beth says.

"I didn't have to go then," was his answer, one that I can accept because we've all been there before.

Watching him make a weird speedy shuffle into the gas station makes Beth and I laugh.

While driving, I make sure to look in the rearview mirror regularly (like the good driver I am).

I may or may not see Blake in the mirror every time I look up. I don't look for too long, but I catch glimpses of him doing what he does when he thinks no one is watching. His furrowed brows as he looks out the window, small comments he mouths to himself, or the smiles and chuckles he gets out of nowhere, presumably from thinking of something funny. It's so natural, just him being him.

I hope he finds someone nice.

We make it to our destination around one. Having spent the drive snacking on our provisions, we decide that we'll eat later.

As we wait to go through the property, three girls come to join us who are probably waiting to take a look as well.

Here's the thing, I expected for there to be other people here wanting to take a look at this roadside attraction just as much as me. But what I didn't expect is for a girl to keep on taking looks over at Blake, not even trying to hide the fact that she's doing it.

After consulting with her friends and them all sharing a giggle, the girl—who I might add is beautiful with blue eyes, blonde hair, and pale skin (my complete opposite)—comes over and stands in front of Blake. I see her glance at the cane in his hand and the glasses on his face. Putting two and two together, the girl reaches out and gives his arm a light tap before introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Christine. Are you waiting to go through the farm?" She asks.

First off, the fact that she touched his arm seemed creepy and rude to me. Second off, why would he be waiting in line for the farm if he didn't plan on going through it?

Blake doesn't say anything at first, but once it registers that someone is speaking to him, he replies, "Uh yeah, I'm Blake."

She continues to speak, "I think my brother uses that kind of cane. He's blind."

Oh, look at her, being able to strike up a conversation and find a way to tell him that she understands his situation on a certain level. The worst part about this girl is that she doesn't even seem like a remotely terrible person. I wish she had a quality about her that gave me a valid reason to dislike her, but she doesn't.

Her comment about her brother piques Blake's interest, "Really? I don't know if you could tell, but I'm blind also," he gestures to his glasses.

He earns a small laugh from her.

This conversation doesn't stop once we're in the farm. In fact, the two walk through it together. Though she isn't holding his hand, she helps guide him through the farm which results in her occasionally touching him.

I'm upset and I don't know why. I have no reason to be. I spend my time walking through the farm with Beth and Reggie. Don't get me wrong, it's fun hanging out with them and seeing all of these colorful frog sculptures in all of these human-like situations but looking over and seeing Blake with that girl bothers me in a way I can't describe.

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