Waking Up (Filler chapter)

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Lillie's POV

I wake up in a room and look around confused. "Nora" a voice says. I turn and gasp at who I see. I get flashes of my past with him.

"Nik" I say and he smiles.

"I've missed you little sister" he states.

"You hurt family" I state. "Elijah said..." I start to say. He shushes me and hugs me.

"I didn't toss our family into the ocean, they are safe taking a nap. Once I am free and the threat to our family is dealt with. I will build us all a house and wake our family. We can all be together again" he tells me.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes" he tells me.

"Elena, Jeremy, Aunt Jenna and Katerina as well?" I ask. He frowns. "They are my and Ariel's family" I tell him. "It'll make me happy if we can all be together" I state.

"If that is what you wish" he tells me. I smile and hug him. "Now I have something to do, but you'll be staying with a friend of mine" he states.

"But what about my family?" I ask him.

"They will know you are safe" he tells me. "Don't you want to get to know your brother?" he asks.

"Of course I do" I tell him with a smile.

"Then trust me" he tells me and a woman appears. "Nora, this is Greta. A powerful witch" he tells me.

"Hello Nora" she says.

"It's Lillie" I tell her with a smile.

"Take good care of her Greta" Nik tells her. She nods and takes my hand. We leave the room. We exit the apartment and get into a car.

"Now there'll be a few rules" Greta tells me. "No calling anyone and do as I say" she states.

"Ok" I say. We reach an abandon mansion and go inside. She takes me to a room and I yawn.

"You are still tired, sleep" she tells me. "I must go get us some groceries, I will be back when you wake" she states. I nod and lay on a bed and she covers me in a blanket. I quickly fall asleep.

Third Persons POV

Greta smiles at the sleeping girl. She left casting a spell on the house to keep Lillie safe. Meanwhile back at Ric's apartment. Klaus wakes in Ric's body. "Alaric?" Katherine says confused. As he stood and the warlock bowed.

A smile crosses Alaric's face. She rushes over to the door but an invisible force prevents her from exiting. Alaric slowly walks over to her and speaks in a Slavic accent. "Zdravei, Katerina" he states holding her face in his hands. "I have missed you" he says in English.

"Klaus!" she says with a gasp. He smiles widely at her. "Wait, where's Ariel? Where's my little sister?" she demands.

"My little sister is safe with Greta" Klaus tells her letting her go. "Don't worry you'll see her again, right now you will tell me everything you know about this body's life" he states. Compeling her. She does just that.

Meanwhile at the Salvatore, Elena and the Salvatore brothers are gathered waiting for John to wake up. "Why did they let me go?" Elena asks them.

"Well, anything John told Isobel, we have to assume that Klaus knows, right? So he knows that you're not gonna turn yourself into a vampire. He knows that you have us keeping you safe" Stefan states.

"He knows I'm not gonna run" she states. As Damon reappears with a pile of papers. He places them in her lap.

"Which is why we need to take some precautions, 'cause we got played, all of us" he states.

"What's this?" she asks confused.

"It's the deed to our house. It's in Zach's name. As soon as you sign it, it'll be in your name" Stefan states.

"You're giving me your house?" she asks shocked.

"Isobel had the right idea with the safe house. You'll just stay here with Lilli till it's all over. That way, you can control who gets invited and who doesn't" Stefan tells her.

"Although I'll be super pissed if you lock me out" Damon tells her. John suddenly gasps for air and sits up. Damon rushes over to him and lifts him up by his collar.

"I swear I had no idea what she was gonna do. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" John says looking at Elena.

"Damon, let him go. He and I need to talk" Elena states. "Could you go check on Lillie?" she asks. Damon lets John go and leaves the room. Deciding to call Bonnie, Lillie is at her home. And he knows Bonnie should be there by now with Jeremy. He'd ask them how Lillie is for Elena. Not knowing she was gone.

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