1. When one needs more love than expected

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It had just been another harsh day for Nobita Nobi. After violently arguing with Doraemon about him always misusing his gadgets and causing trouble around, he grudgingly went to school. As usual, he was late. As usual, his homework weren't done. As usual, he was unable to keep himself focused in class.
And as usual, Sensei told him off. His immature ways and poor overall academic performance, as he had scored yet another zero on his latest math test, owed him the daily treatment for naughty boys his kind. One more time, he had to spend the entire morning standing in the hallway. One more time.

Countless hours of cleaning the whole classroom as extra-punishment after school, Nobita was released. At last. Exhausted, and really fed up with always being the last in everything and the first in losing, all he wanted was being left alone. This wish was to no avail.
His classmate "friends", Suneo and Gian, asked him to play baseball with them. He declined the offer...and paid the price for this daring refusal. Bullied and beaten in front of his classmates, each of them laughing out loud at his miserable attitude and his complete failure at being a real man, there was nothing left of his dignity. Gian eventually left him alone, stealing the ice cream Nobita had bought with his last coin of pocket money in the process. Suneo went his own way back home ; he had a busy afternoon ahead of him, showing his new collection of video games to his friends. Without inviting the poor boy who had been his top-advertising target.

Shizuka, Nobita's love interest, invited him to come along. But Gian was not far behind, and the easy-triggered 10-year old got fooled again and laughed at his best friend, when Gian discreetly slid behind her and winced. Offended like far too many times before, Shizuka slapped Nobita in the face and ran away in disgust. Alone again, naturally.

As he rushed back home, Nobita had to hide in a bush when he saw the Devil himself, aka Sensei, talking with his mother about the (bad) school day, profoundly embarrassing and infuriating her as always. Nobita was hungry, craving for his after-school snack, and silently entered his home. However, his clumsy walking got him caught when his mother heard him, paving the way for a harsh scolding. He was grounded at home for the rest of the day, pondering over his misbehaving and catching up on a whole week worth of unfinished homework.

Icing on the cake, Doraemon himself was furious. About another series of bad deeds, another day of misfortune, another neglectful behavior and another proof that Nobita's high dependence on him had a rosy future. He chewed him out. Standing at the entrance of his bedroom, his mother stared at her silly son with an approving look.

- What am I supposed to do with you, Nobita-kun ? How can I be of any help if you keep falling down and refuse to grow up in your little head ? I'm really getting tired of all this ! Do you hear me ? TIRED !

Nobita dried a tear. It was all he could do.

- Don't bother crying, young man. It won't change my mind !'

- I'm sorry !

- I hope you are ! his mom grounded him in turn. I'm ashamed of your behavior, do you hear me ? This is ridiculous and very disappointing, son. Think about your Grandma, what would she say if she could see you like this ?

Nobita did not answer, suddenly seized with a bittering guilt and a dreadful anger. He stood still, shaking, his heart beating faster and his expression filled with hatred. Doraemon's frowning look suddenly faded to apprehension and doubt. The look on Nobita's mother followed

- She would say the same thing than you Mom, her son replied. How could you make such mistake...

- Which mistake ?

- Giving me birth.

This answer was so unexpected that it left everyone breathless. Except for Nobita.

- I should have known it from the beginning, it was so obvious ! he said. I fell so low...it's not like when I was a baby, right ? I looked cute back then. But now, I only look ridiculous, like you said. And it's too late to recover.

The surprise gave way

- Nobita, what are you talking about ?

Nobita had a strong reputation for being a coward. This time, however, it would not prevent him from interrupting his mother in a snap.

- I'm telling you what you want to hear, the goddamn truth ! That's what you want, right ?

He took a deep breath and swallowed his tears.

- Yes, you are right mom. I'm a loser, a bad guy, a failure as a man. I'm a shame for the family, a worthless snotty brat who pretends that everyone should nurses him and take care of him. I have no brain, no strength, no skills. I'm bad at everything, and the things I'm good at make you mad. Because I'm the first at getting in trouble, making you suffer and getting bullied by every kid with bigger fists ! Every kid in the world, in fact. I understand now why everyone is scolding me, because you all HATE ME ! I'm so disgusting, with my flat body and my horrible face that looks like a horror movie make-up horror ! Everything scares me and I'm weak, hopeless, unmotivated to get a better life and dim-witted. Right Doraemon ?

The cat robot said nothing. In Nobita's last words, he recognized his own. And it made him terribly ashamed. Not as ashamed as Nobita's mother, whose dismayed eyes told for themselves. She tried to talk.

- Nobita...

- SHUT UP ! I don't want to hear my name again.

Silence came back. Nobita broke it again, his death stare piercing right through Doraemon's eyes.

- I understand your anger, Doraemon. You really had more important things to do, but my descendants sent you back in time to solve my problems. How mean from them ! Nobita sobbed. But your mission is over, now. God gave me a chance to prove this world that I could become a useful and respectable adult, but I failed once again. I'm just a zero, just like all these sheets in my desk !

In a brief moment of intense sorrow turning into craziness, he pulled all his failed tests out of his desk's drawer and threw them on the floor. His mom tried to approach him and calm him down. Nobita clenched his fist and showed the both of them what the face of a murdered looked like.

- Don't come any closer, he threatened. Obviously, I don't deserve your love. I know that I don't ; a piece of crap like me never does. I'm wasting your time here, Mom. And honestly...I think you should have aborted. This would have been a better mission for Doraemon, to prevent my existence in the first place instead of making it worse. But it's not too late and I can still die now ! It's not that complicated ; why don't you just let me down to rot on my own ?

His arms went backward and forward, showing the toys scattered around in Nobita's bedroom.

- All I have here doesn't belong to me but to you. You bought it, so you can keep it and kick me out of your house without anything. I won't survive this, for sure. You will be forever ridden of me. And if you miss being a mother, why not just giving birth to another son ? A real one, not a rough copy like me ? That'd be awesome ! But who would it be ? A handsome girl like Shizuka ? A brilliant boy like Suneo ? A honor student like Dekisugi ? Or a strong athlete like Gian ? What would you choose, Mom ?

Nobita broke down in tears, bending on his knees and falling on the floor. Once again, he was lying on his stomach and yelling in pain like a helpless boy.

After a moment of reflection, his mom took a step forward, in doing so picking up all the papers scattered on the floor and piling them up on a desk. She bent down and tenderly puts her hand over the crying child's back. Then, with the help of a saddened Doraemon, she lifted him up and took him in her arms, close to her heart. This rare, sweet physical contact made Nobita's tears warmer, and his sorrow went all out. She rocked him like a baby and caressed his hair gently, he held her tighter. She consoled him with all her heart, he cried louder. He had never been crying that loud. So loud that the bystanders from the neighboring streets, including Suneo, Shizuka and Gian, could hear him.

Nobita was heart-broken. His mom was heart-broken. Doraemon was heart-broken. Everyone who could hear it was heart-broken. But it was over. What had to be said had been said, but it was over. Nobita had finally gathered enough courage to send out an SOS, and earned the right to be heard.

Now was the time for comfort.

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