Chapter 2

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Resting against her apartment the door, the cool wood did what little it could to ground her back to reality. Bailey groaned, that man was going to be her undoing one of these days.

He left her all hot and bothered.

Or was she just hot because she grabbed a winter coat to cover herself in the middle of summer?

Bailey quickly undid her coat, getting frustrated with the knotted belt, and let it fall to the floor. Relief washed over her when the cool air kissed her damp skin. She took a few deep breaths (as deep as the corset would allow) trying to calm her nerves and traitorous body. It was useless, her mind replayed their conversation over and over again, analysing everything about him.

Usually Bailey was a more reserved girl. She never particularly felt special or wanted. But whenever she spent time with Wolf it was like she became a different woman.

Taking a moment, standing there in her outfit, remembering the way Wolf had looked at her, Bailey felt empowered. She was alone, but because she was alone there was no chance of her getting embarrassed and she was finally able to enjoy herself. Finally able to feel sexy. Something she didn't feel often.

She liked it.

Feeling a bit adventurous,and still worked up from her brief encounter with Wolf, Bailey slowly ran her hands over her hips and up her stomach to cup her breasts, leaving her skin tingling under the irritating fabric.

She had done it to relieve herself but it just made her even more frustrated. It wasn't her hands she wanted running all over her body. She wanted Wolf's big hands to run over her, his lips teasing her as his hot breath fanned over every inch they explored. Closing her eyes she could still smell his scent. What cologne did that man use? She wanted to buy it, spray her entire bed with it, then spend the day rolling around in it. Or better yet have him in bed with her. Make her whole apartment smell like him.

Her skin broke out in goosebumps. She needed some sexual release and she needed it now. Since she was so worked up maybe tonight would be the night Noah would get her to climax. Fingers crossed for her sake.

Speaking of which. Bailey glanced around her dark apartment frowning. Where was Noah?

"Noah" she called out, her sexy neighbour now forgotten.

Silence was her only reply.

Ok girl don't panic she told herself retrieving her cell phone from her coat pocket. "He's probably running late because he stopped to get dinner or something. You did say you were going to be home at midnight."She walked down the hallway and over to the bay windows to close the curtains. Don't want the neighbours to see anything - that would make for some already awkward elevator rides, even more awkward.

Also, she needed a distraction from the feeling of dread that was growing in the pit of her stomach.

The apartment building was in the shape of a horseshoe with a basketball court sized yard in the middle. She had chosen this apartment on the top floor because she had a view of the beautiful courtyard, full of flowers and trees with winding walkways and even a little fish pond. The only down side was you saw your neighbours on the regular and usually not in the good way. Hence why she was closing her curtains.

Bailey looked up from her screen, hand poised on the curtain, when her eyes locked on some movement in the shadows on the balcony across from her one level down.

It was midnight, or past midnight Bailey couldn't remember, all the other apartments were dark including the one she was looking at. If she squinted, she could just make out a couple fucking on the patio furnature.

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