Chapter 1

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Ultimately, when sex is on the table, people will do stupid things.

It doesn't matter who you are, or where you are from. Anyone is willing to venture outside of their comfort zone, or do something stupid, to get laid.

Present company not excluded.

Bailey shifted uncomfortably.

How did other women do this? They must either be Goddesses, witches, or immune to pain and scratchy fabric. How does the saying go? Beauty is pain?

Well, it better be worth it.

Her feet hurt, the itchy fabric of her outfit was irritating the living hell out of her skin and the long coat she had decided to wear was too heavy. Not the best idea to wear in this current weather, she was sweating enough that she was pretty certain she was leaving droplets in her wake.

Despite feeling beads of sweat rolling down her neck, Bailey didn't dare unbutton her coat. Nope, her coat was staying done up and the belt looped tight because if anyone saw what she had on underneath she would die of embarrassment. In fact, just to be safe, she tightened the loop again.

It all started with one little sigh accompanied with a pout.

"You never dress up for me" her boyfriend Noah had whined to her one night after drinking. "Don't you want to spice up our relationship? Bring some excitement in?"

That was a curveball Bailey had not been ready for, she had thought their relationship was fine. It's not like they fought all the time. They did coupley things like dinner here and there. She didn't mind him playing video games all the time and taking one too many sick days from work. Even his insistence on moving in together and despite her ongoing refusal, didn't cause too much of an issue.

The only problem she had was the fact that he couldn't give her an orgasm.

Maybe bitterness due her sexual frustration was leaking into the relationship and he was picking up on it.

When asked what he meant by "spicing up the relationship" Noah explained he had some fetishes he wanted Bailey to indulge him in. That fetish being her dressing up in sexy outfits, pretending to be someone else, and submitting to him. A little role play he called it.

Bailey never saw the point of it. Why buy clothes that you would wear for less than fifteen minutes and only one other person will see? The other reason being it would be difficult to find an outfit that would accommodate her, let's just say, larger than average assets.

Plus she sucked at acting and his favourite go to scenario was naughty maid and wealthy master. It's hard to say "Your cock is so big Master, please put your cock inside me. I want Master to fuck me" when you are giggling at how stupid it sounded.

She felt ridiculous and so she never got into it like Noah wanted.

She tried, boy did she try, but it was hard when the man kept criticising everything.

How she didn't fit the part he was fantasising perfectly. How he wanted her to be all over him, practically praising the ground he walks on. Begging for him to give her his 'magic cock' (yes he wanted her to say that). How he pictured her more slutty looking and her goal should be getting him off at the expense of her own pleasure.

It made a girl feel really self conscious.

This wasn't even the main reason why she was uncomfortable with his demands.

He always wanted to have unprotected sex, which was a line she would not cross. Bailey did not want to have kids until she was married and financially stable and she thought that they were on the same page. They had talked about it extensively when they first started dating and both of them did not want kids. They both agreed it would be best to further their careers and travel the world. Then and only then would they discuss having children.

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