A Night to Remember

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So, Stiles didn't actually have his doomed meet cute yesterday, so what? It doesn't matter. All that matters now is surviving the terrors of shopping with Lydia and Erica. They tugged and pulled him in every direction, to every store, looking at every price tag. It was exhausting!

Finally, they settled on a decent outfit that was a jumbled mess of many different stores and brands. Stiles looked at the outfit on his bed. Erica and Lydia waited outside his bedroom impatiently. "Hurry up and get changed so we can see it!", Erica demanded. The outfit was a simple pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, just about what he wears everyday. So why did they spend five hours shopping? Well, because it was a fancy kind of jeans and plaid. It looked somewhat nicer. It also helps that Stiles actually cleaned up really nicely and it looked a whole lot better once he wasn't sleep deprived and puffy eyed.

Stiles exited his bedroom and turned dramatically to let Erica and Lydia see the outfit. "There, better?", he asked with a sigh. "Yep! You look perfect.", Lydia grinned evilly. "Why do I even have to dress up for this stupid concert?", he asked. Lydia's grin got even more evil and Erica started up too. "Oh no. What did you two do?", Stiles whined.

"We may or may not have lied about the concert we were going to. It's not just a girly pop concert. It's actually your favorite band.", Erica said, grin softening to a pleasant smile. Lydia kept her evil grin. "And we got backstage passes so you'll be forced to meet the lead singer!", she practically sung out in a falsely sweet voice. "No! You know how terrified I am when meeting anyone remotely famous! What if I make a fool of myself? Why would you do this on purpose?! What if I trip in front of him and it's super embarrassing? Why do you hate me?! What if I ask for his autograph and forget an album for him to sign? You're the devil!!!", Stiles cried, going back and forth between worried and accusing.

"Stiles, Stiles! Calm down.", Erica grasped his shoulder firmly but shook it lightly. "Deep breaths.", she whispered. Slowly, Stiles calmed down. Lydia had moved to sit next to him on his bed and held his hand, rubbing her thumb against it softly to console him. "It's going to be fine, Stiles. We're your best friends - after Scott - and we wouldn't let you make a fool of yourself in front of your idol. Relax.", Lydia said, huffing the "after Scott" part in annoyance.

"Okay. You're right, it'll be fine. Let's go have fun.", Stiles said. The two girls gave a small cheer before linking their arms in his and picking him up to head for Stiles' Jeep. They bounded down the hallway with one of them on each side of Stiles, giving him some confidence at having two of his best friends at his side.

They resumed walking like this as they made their way towards the concert stadium. They used their special passes to walk past all the other fans and pushed their way through the crowded pit towards the very front by the stage. Stiles was passed a glow stick necklace and the seats started filling up behind them outside the pit. Erica cheered loudly and Lydia worked on getting a good angle to record from.

Stiles looked at his two friends and forgot all about the soulmate mark again. He was just happy to be at a concert for his favorite band with two people who've always supported him.

It didn't take long for the band to come on stage. The lead guitarist walked on first while throwing on his signature scarf. Cue fangirls screaming as their boyfriends roll their eyes. Then, the stoic drummer that Erica was practically in love with. Cue all the men cheering for their drummer idol.
Next, the rhythm guitarist with her iconic "huntress" style. Cue fans of all genders swooning. And last but CERTAINLY not least, Stiles' personal favorite, the bass guitarist and lead singer, who looks like Logan from the other day but WAY hotter. Cue Stiles cheering and everyone else SCREECHING LIKE THEY'RE BEING CHASED BY A TYRANNOSAURUS REX.

Stiles doesn't do screeching. But he does blush like a madman when he thinks the lead singer glances at him.

"Stiles, can you go through their names again?", Lydia whispered to him. Stiles rolled his eyes but smiled lovingly at his more mainstream friend as he told her the band members' names. "The dude with the curls and the scarf is Issac Lahey, the drummer Erica loves is Vernon Boyd, the girl is Allison Argent, and that-", he pointed at the lead singer, biting his lip, "is Derek Hale."

"And the band name?", Lydia asked. Stiles rolled his eyes again, laughing to himself. "The band name is Triskelion.", he stated. Lydia nodded and continued recording. "Well I still prefer The Alpha Pack.", she said. "No, you prefer your little boyfriend, that just happens to be his band.", Stiles teased. Lydia was the one who rolled her eyes this time. The Alpha Pack had gotten VERY popular lately, going mainstream, but Triskelion was still better. "I still can't believe you're dating a famous musician and still somehow manage to get asked for your number more than him.", Erica laughed. Lydia just smirked and threw her hair behind her shoulder.

The band was finishing up hyping up the crowd now and the music began to play. Stiles cheered with the rest of the fans once more before falling into a trance while he listened to Derek sing and watched him strum the guitar.

Stiles felt like it had only lasted a couple of seconds but soon, specifically 3 hours later, the concert was over. The band was still gleaming with beauty but even they looked a bit tired. Most fans started to filter out but Stiles, Lydia, and Erica had backstage passes. They had to wait a couple of minutes for the backstage area to open so they moved towards the concession stand so that Stiles could grab some cinnamon sugar pretzel bites for later, Erica got herself a hotdog, and Lydia just got a nice strawberry lemonade.

About 10 minutes later the leftover fans started moving towards the backstage doors, so the trio slowly made their way towards it as well. Stiles heard the gasps and squeals coming from the front of the line where people were able to catch glimpses of the band before actually getting to meet them in person.

Stiles pulled out his favorite album, "The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth", and nervously played with his hands. Erica scrolled on her phone and pulled out her favorite album, "Dread Doctors". Lydia pulled out her CD for Allison's single, "La Bete."

The line slowly moved forward until Stiles could see the band. Issac was signing fans' scarves, Boyd was mostly signing posters of his modeling shoot for a luxury underwear brand, Allison was signing albums with her signature arrow under her name, and Derek was signing everything from napkins to people.

Erica got to the band first, beelining for Boyd and slamming down her album. "Make it out to Erica Reyes.", was all she said, but it caused the usually stoic man to widen his eyes in shock. Erica looked back in confusion and then realization as the band mates started congratulating him and when he spoke to her for the first time.

"None of my soulmate dreams could have prepared me for your beauty in real life.", he said. His smile was small and loving but hers was huge and surprised. He threw a sloppy phone number down on her album along with his signature. Stiles and Lydia gaped at her before congratulating her.

Lydia was next. She got the CD signed quickly but not before charming Allison into agreeing to go on a shopping trip. In Lydia's defense, it WOULD be good for them to get acquainted early since they'll be seeing a lot of each other once Erica and Boyd start dating.

Last was Stiles. He had been so busy watching his friends get their signatures he hadn't noticed when Derek was getting increasingly frustrated as the night went on. Derek tried telling the band manager, his sister Laura, that he was done for the night but she wasn't listening. Unfortunately, he was just as stubborn as she was. So, when Stiles walked up to get his signature, Derek took the opportunity to force Laura into taking him out of there. If he was rude to a fan, then Laura would whisk him away immediately to yell at him. Besides, he needed to let his anger out and while yelling at an innocent fan wasn't very nice, it would do the trick.

Before Stiles could even get a word in, Derek struck. "Get out of my face before I kill you.", he said.

Stiles' mouth fell open and his eyes widened but most people thought it was because his idol just snapped at him for no reason. They had no idea that Derek Hale was Stiles' soulmate. The jerk who ruined his life. Crap.

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