The Suprise.

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This morning was beautiful. The sun was shining through the window and onto the bed. I turned to face Alex who was almost falling off the bed.

"Wakey wakey", I said as I shook her gently.

At first she wouldn't budge but after a few good shakes she finally woke up.

"Whhhaaattt?", she said, moving the hair from her face.

"Alex it's 11, come on get up", I said as I tried pulling her arm.

"Give up", she laughed.

"Oh fine, well you have until I get out the shower", I said as I got up.

As I walked away I felt something hit my back. A teddy fell to my feet.

"Very funny", I said as I turned to Alex who had an innocent look on her face.

"Don't look at me!", she put her hands up in surrender.

"Whatever, I won't be long okay?", I winked at her as I left the room.

After I came out from the shower, I opened my bedroom door to see Alex sat on my bed, dressed, and with something in her hands.

"What's going on?", I asked as I stepped closer to her.

"Sit", she patted the space next to her.

I looked at her with a confused face.

"Piper Chapman, how do you feel about moving to Paris with me?", Alex asked with a big smile.

"Are you kidding?!", I couldn't believe it.

"No, I'm not", she said as she took my hand.

"Of course I will! But how?"

"Don't worry about it", she said as she handed me two plane tickets and a sheet of paper.

I looked at the paper to see a photo of a gorgeous apartment in Paris.

"Oh's beautiful! When do we go?!", I ask as I jump over to hug her.


I was so shocked, I was amazed at Alex. Always full of surprises, I love her so much for that. Not like Larry, he was so boring.

"Piper hunny are you sure you want to go?", my mom asked as she stood at the door.

"Yes mom of course I do!", I say as I jump up and down.

"Oh, well, be safe okay sweetie? Paris is a big place! Make sure you have my number on your phone, and you...", she said as she looked at Alex.

"Don't break her heart, please".

"Don't worry Mrs. Chapman, I won't...I love you daughter very much", she said as she kissed my cheek.

"Okay, well...goodbye! Have you seen your father?"

"Yeah I've spoke to him, goodbye mom, I love you", I say as I hug her tight.

"Goodbye Piper".

Me and Alex ran toward the taxi with our suitcases dragging behind us.

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