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This morning was such a lovely day. The sun was out so I thought I would take advantage and go for a run.

I must have ran for at least an hour. Running always makes me feel better, it makes me happy. My stomach was grumbling and I see everyone going inside for breakfast. Grabbing my sweater off the ground, I head inside.
Making my way towards the cafeteria I hear laughing coming from a table. I join the queue and look around to see where it was coming from. Nicky, Morello, Alex and Stella were all sat at a table together. Alex and Stella seemed to be getting along. I began to get jealous so I quickly grabbed my tray and walked towards the table. Alex looked up and gave me a smile, which I didn't return.

"Hey, what's up?", Alex asked putting her arm around me.

"Nothing", I reply.

"Well okay then", Alex mutters and turns her back to me.

"Yo chapman, what's wrong? We're not stupid", Nicky asked.

I sighed and picked up my tray.

"Can everyone just get off my case?" I say as I head to the bunks.

Yes, I know. I sound so childish but I get jealous very easily. Especially when it comes to Alex.
I lie on my bed and gaze up at the ceiling when I see someone standing over me.

"Chapman, what's wrong?", Soso asked.

"Not now Soso, I'm not in the mood".

"I get it. I get in these moods

She took a seat on the end of my bed and placed her hand on my leg.
I still lie awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"You can talk to me Piper", she said giving me a smile.

"Okay okay. I'm just, well....I'm jealous because that new girl and Alex seem to be getting along and I'm just worried that-"

"She's going to cheat on you?! Are you kidding? Piper, Alex loves you. She wouldn't do that, I'm sure she's just being friendly", Soso giggled.

I sat up and looked at her.

"You know? You're totally right. She wouldn't do that to me".

I got up and marched towards the canteen.

"You're welcome?..." Soso said as she awkwardly waved.

I suddenly came to a stop as I saw Alex and Stella sat on the stairs talking. I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about so I hid behind one of the walls and peered my head out just enough so they wouldn't see me.

"You know what? You're really nice Stella, I like you", I heard Alex say.

I clenched my fists and my jaw and I started feeling insanely jealous.

"I like you too Vause", Stella said, giving Alex a smile.

They both sat in silence just looking at each other.
My heart started beating really fast. I didn't want to interrupt now because I wanted to see what they would do.
Then, Stella leaned in slowly and kissed Alex. Alex didn't even push her off. What?!
I punched the wall in front of me and burst out crying.
I ran off towards the bunk, tears rolling down my face and I was clenching my bleeding hand.

"Piper? PIPER?!" I heard Alex shout behind me.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Piper, IM SOR-"

"Oh just, fuck off Alex", I whimpered.

I could feel the pain in my chest of my heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
I ran to my bunk and collapsed on the bed.

"Chapman?! What the fuck?! What've you done to your hand?!", Nicky shouted as she lifted me up off the bed.

"Nicky, just....leave me.....alone", I whispered.

Everything was becoming blurry. I couldn't take all of this.

I woke up in infirmary. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up.

"Woah woah, just relax", Bennet said as he gently pushed me back down.

"What...what happened?", I managed to say.

"Well, you're friend Nicky found you in a bad state. She said you fainted, oh and also, you punched a wall."

"Oh...right", I sighed as I lifted up my heavy hand. It was wrapped up in bandages.

"Apparently you've broke a few knuckles, but you'll be okay to be up and about in just a few days".

"Yay", I said sarcastically as I know I would have to face Alex.

There was an awkward silence.

"Your friend is in the next room..." Bennet said.

"What? Who?"

"Vause, Alex, I think."

"Fuck. Seriously? Why?", I mumbled.

"Same as you, she punched a wall."

"You're fucking kidding me", I sighed.

"Nope. Anyway, I gotta go check on her, I'll be back soon to check up on you", Bennet said as he smiled and walked away.

I rolled onto my side. How the fuck could she does this to me? And how could Stella do this? She knows how much I loved Alex. She told me I was the nicest person she met in here. What a load of shit.

When Alex came back.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin