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As the first light of dawn begins to creep across the sky, Alaine feels a mix of dread and exhaustion. She had been awake for hours, driven by the memory of Julius' sacrifice and the need to stop Arin before he could cause any more harm.

But now, as she sits there on her knees, she realizes just how tired she is. Her body aches with every movement, and she can feel her eyes drooping as she struggles to stay awake.

It wasn't long before she started to feel the sorrow again, her mind fixed on Juluis and his death. How he'd been so wrongfully tortured by Arin, how he only wished to aid and be her protector. How his wishes led him to his very death. She couldn't bare it. She had wanted to save him, and if she couldn't. At least hold him in his last moments, to comfort him, to whish him a proper farewell, but she was bound. She tried to fight her tears, and it wasn't long that her tears flowed freely as she mourned the loss of her comrade and friend. She felt helpless and alone, trapped in her own grief and the chains that bound her.

As Arin walked into the room, she wanted to wipe away her tears and compose herself. She didn't want to show any weakness in front of her enemy if she could help it. Arin looked at her with a cold gaze, and she could feel the weight of his stare. She knew that he was the reason for Julius's death, but she also knew that she couldn't do anything about it right now.

Arin spoke in a low voice, "I see you're still mourning the death of your friend. It's a shame that he had to die, but it was necessary to achieve our goals."

She felt a surge of anger inside her, but she tried to control it. She didn't want to give Arin the satisfaction of seeing her lose control.

"What goals?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Our goal is to bring peace to this land. To create a better future for our people," Arin replied.

"Our people?!" Alaine tugged against her chains, a mix of emotions erupting as her body nearly collapsed.

Arin looked at her with a hint of amusement. "Yes, our people," he said, emphasizing the word 'our'. "Don't forget that you are my future wife. You were destined to be mine, and your fate is tied to me."

Alaine's heart sank at Arin's words. She had thought about his intentions, but she never thought that he would be so brazen about it. She felt a surge of fear and disgust. She had no intention of marrying someone like Arin, someone who had caused so much pain and suffering.

"I'll never be your wife," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'd rather die than marry someone like you."

Arin's smile disappeared, and his eyes grew cold. "You don't have a choice, Alaine," he said, his voice low. "You're bound to me, and you'll do as I say."

She looked at Arin, her eyes filled with determination. "I'll never be yours," she said firmly. "I'll find a way to break free from your chains, no matter what it takes."

Arin's expression hardened. "We'll see about that," he said before kneeling to Alaine and taking her by the chin and kissing her rather passionately.

Alaine tried to pull away, but she was trapped by the chains that bound her. She felt a surge of anger and disgust, but she tried to stay calm. She knew that she had to play along with Arin's game, at least for now.

When Arin finally released her, Alaine locked eyes with him "That doesn't change anything," she said firmly. "I'll never be your wife."

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