The Mysterious Savior

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A young woman shifts about, barely able to move as she stirs awake. She looks around, finding nothing but a wood and cloth interior, her eyes widening as she realizes that she's being transported. She attempts to shout, though nothing but muffled noises come out as she tries to move towards the back of the wagon, the ropes binding her hands and feet, making for a rather difficult attempt at escape.

The young woman inches her way toward the back of the wagon where she takes in an unfamiliar surrounding, dull bark in which it's limbs are bare and naked, the trail behind a parched and distrubed earth path, the sky an expression of gloom and sorrow with clusters of grey holding the landscape.
Taking a deep breath, she rolls herself off of the wagon only to whine and cry out in pain, now laying on the cold, hard ground.

The wagon comes to a stop the horses whining in protest. Two men make their way towards the back of the wagon, finding the young woman in pain.
"Well, what do you know? she woke up before we got her there." One of them men spoke whilst rolling her onto her stomach. He then pulls his leg back and sends a kick to her side as she cries out once more.

"Hey, we have to get her there in one piece, or we won't be paid our dues," the other states, giving his partner a shove.

"It's not my fault she decided to try to escape. She should be punished for it." The captor lines his leg up once more as the woman closes her eyes and prepares for impact. Though the young woman felt nothing as a large gust blows past and throws the captor into the wagon, the wood creaking as though it were about to fall apart. The other captor now looking around tries his best to pick the woman up and throw her into the back of the wagon with quite the struggle.
He then rushes towards the front of the wagon and immediately tries to flee the area in hopes to escape whatever attacked.

The woman struggles in her binds in an attempt to get free. The captor, who comes too from the commotion, grabs a handful of the woman's gown and places a blade against her neck. "Now then, if you weren't being such a brat, it wouldn't have to be this way. All you had to do was stay asleep and we'd be on our way. "

within the next moment, the wagon is disturbed, shaken, and no longer on course. Instead, it is being held up by something, floating as the captor driving is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey! what's going on!" The other captor pulls the woman up and wraps his arm around her before making his way to the back, now witnessing the anaomaly at hand. "Whoevers doing this, better stop or -"

Before the man could finish his sentence, a dark figure appeared behind him, taking him by the back of his shirt and throwing him toward the front of the wagon with a crash as the wood snaps. Without hesitation, he swiftly catches the woman. She let's out another muffled sound as she found herself outside of the wagon with the figure holding her in their arms. The figure hadn't stepped out the wagon or anything. It was an instant transportation.

The man had set her on her feet, and with one figure snapped each of the ropes, setting her free.
The woman looks behind her but doesn't find anyone before looking in front of her where the wagon sits and the capators unconcious and bound together with rope.
Moments later, a group of men in their uniform coats, along with others wearing armor, find the woman standing there, staring at a perfectly untouched wagon and the bound men.

"Ma'am?" one of the guards call out as they slowly approach the woman, his hand gently placed on her shoulder as she doesn't move a muscle. "Ma'am, are you okay?". The woman still doesn't stir. "She must be in shock. We'll have to take her with us. We need to know what happened here and, well, you know..."

As the guards lead the woman away, she can't help but feel grateful for the mysterious figure that had saved her. She couldn't explain what had happened, but she knew that she owed that person her life. She wondered who they were and why they had chosen to help her.

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