The Investigation Begins

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"No, I'm sorry you cannot see your daughter," I said.

" How could someone so sweet and so smart, just die. She had everything in her life going right for her."

" Do you know if Georgia happened to know Lacy Lambert or Sammy Coolige?"

" Well yes, I've heard Georgia talk about them dying, but other than that I have no clue."

" Has she recently broken up with a boyfriend or a real close friend", I said.

" Well yes, his name is Nick,he's a lifeguard on the beach, Georgia broke up with him because he was over protective"

" Thank you for your time Tina, I will keep in contact with you"

I walked back under the tape and told Adam what the mother said.

"Will first thing tomorrow morning we will go to Nick's house. The forensic team have notified me that Lacy Lambert's body and Sammy Coolige, both had a strand of blonde hair on their bodies."

The ambulance all ready had come and gone with Georgia so Adam and I said our goodbyes until tomorrow.

On my way home I couldn't get Tina's face and grief out of my mind. I will call her tomorrow and tell her what I find out. When I had gotten home and changed back into my pajamas, my phone rang again. As lazily as could be, I answered it to find a deep and husky voice screaming in my ear.

" Lay off the Lambert case, or you will be sorry".

Then they hung up.I put the phone done and went to make sure all my doors and windows were locked. Then I went back to bed, but I couldn't sleep. My whole body was frozen.

I've never had a case where someone told me to back off. Then it hit me what if the person who called me was the murderer.Picking up the phone again, I dialed 911.

"Hello ma'am."

" Yes, I'm an FBI agent working on a new case, and I think someone....."

" I'm sorry for wasting your time"

Then I hung up. I can't just jump to conclusions. I have to have solid proof.


" Hello. "

" I wouldn't call the police anymore if I were you,"said the husky voice again.

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