ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 04: ᴠᴀᴛᴏꜱ

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In Atlanta, T-Dog, Daryl, Y/N, Glenn, and Rick still stare at Merle's severed hand. Y/N stays frozen on her knees in front of the severed hand. Daryl turns his crossbow on T-Dog to kill him, but Rick pulls out his Python and points it at Daryl.

"I won't hesitate" Rick says, his eyes trained onto Daryl "I don't care if every walker in the city hears it" Daryl realizes Rick isn't lying and lowers his crossbow. They sit in silence for a minute or so before Daryl looks to T-Dog, his voice calm.

"You go a do-rag or something?" He asks. T-Dog reaches into his pants pocket and hands him one. Daryl walks over to Y/N and Merle's hand and bends down, laying the rag flat on the ground.

"He can't be dead, could he?" Y/N whispers, watching as Daryl places the hand on the rag and folding it around the severed hand.

"Of course not, he's a Dixon. We don't die easily" Daryl replies, standing up and walks over to Glenn and turning him around. Daryl zips open Glenn's backpack and places the hand in, all the while Glenn has a disgusted look on his face. Y/N stands up, clearing her throat and dusting herself off.

"He must have used a tourniquet...maybe a belt" She says, looking down at the blood "Be much more blood if he didn't" Daryl notices a blood trail and begins to follow it. Rick and Glenn follow as Y/N stays back with T-Dog to help him pick up the tools on the roof.

"I'm sorry man, I'm so damn sorry. I didn't know he was gonna cut his damn hand off" T-Dog says as he bends down to place tools back in the toolbox. Y/N shakes her head, bending down to help.

"You really don't need to apologise" She says, placing a hand on his shoulder "Merle Dixon is a stubborn git, he doesn't die so easily. And he may be a douche bag, but he is survival smart" T-Dog nods his head, guilt, and regret still in his eyes. Y/N picks up Dale's toolbox and they stand up and start to follow the rest. The group enter through a door to a stairwell, and they begin to descend, all the while Daryl has his crossbow up ready to shoot anything and anyone.

"Merle? You in here?" Daryl calls, his voice echoing slightly. They walk down to another floor and Daryl walks into an office and shoots a Walker with his crossbow before the rest walks in and makes sure the coast is clear. They enter a lobby of some sort and see two walkers laying on the ground, their heads bashed in.

"Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches. One handed" Y/N says, looking down at the walkers then to the bloody wrench on the ground.

"Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother" Daryl adds as he reloads his crossbow "Feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails."

"Any man can pass out from blood loss, no matter how tough he is" Rick says as he puts his gun up and continues forward.


Back at the camp, Andrea and Amy come back to the camp with tons of fish strung up on a chain. Everyone looks at the two with delight.

"Oh, baby. Will you look at that?" Morales says, walking over to the two "Hey, check it out" Andrea passes Morales a chain of fish and he holds it up as Lori begins clapping "Ladies...Because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you"

"Thank Dale" Andrea says "It's hic canoe and gear".

"Mom, look. Look at all the fish" Carl says as Morales brings the fish closer to Lori jokingly.

"Thank you" Lori says, laughing.

"Whoa" Danny says as he and Carl prod the dead fish.

"Yeah, whoa" Lori says before looking at Andrea and Amy "Where did you two learn to do that?"

"Our dad" Amy replies, taking a drink from her bottle.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Carl asks, looking at Amy.

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