{A Confession}

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If you didn't read the last 2 chapters I would do so for this to make sense!


[First the other five boys got in a boat and then me and Darren were to go in the next one. When we got in, Darren wrapped his arm around my shoulder, which made me feel comfy. And then...]











And then there was a drop. I got scared so I hid myself in Darren.

[Darren's POV]

There was a drop and Justin got scared. He hugged me for protection. I chuckle a little bit because of how cute he is. He looks up at me, pouting.

"You know I can't resist your cute pout Justin." I say to him

"I know," he replies. "Now stop laughing at me!"

"Ok fine." I say. "Oh, look it's another drop." 

"What?!" Justin says hiding himself by hugging me.

As we drop we get a little wet from the dirty water.

"Ugh, I got wet!" Justin says

"So did I" I say to him

"I don't think there are anymore drops, so I'm gonna try to take a nap." Justin says

"Uh, ok? If you do fall asleep I'll carry you to the car, ok?" I say to him

He nods to me in reply. He tilts his head on my shoulder and surprisingly, he falls asleep. When the ride ended I saw the boys waiting for us. So I picked Justin up and carried him to the exit.

"He's really tired, isn't he?" Sebastian asks me

"Yeah, he fell asleep more than twice. Plus he was tired this morning" I reply to him

<Time skip to when they get to the car>

I put Justin in the passenger seat and buckle him up. Sebastian for some reason decided to ride in Oli's car so it was just me and Justin. I made sure he didn't bump his head on anything so I put a neck pillow on him. When we got home I carried him to bed. I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"Stay?.." He asks me cutely

"Ok." I say to him. "Let me change first."

"Fine" "I guess I'll change too" Justin says half asleep

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