- father's day

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florence warner

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florence warner.

"AND THEN HE grabbed her and ate her!" Kenji told Jane, grabbing her and shaking her little toddler body, causing her to giggle giddily. She released a few squeals as he tickled her and I couldn't help but smile.

Jane was only four years old but she had been my entire world for those 1460 days. Even long before that if we're being honest. Though I'd been incredibly scared and nervous throughout most of my pregnancy, I would've killed anyone that spoke even a single insult against my daughter. I hadn't even met her yet.

But she's here now and she has been for four years. She has Kenji's looks—deep brown eyes, a little lighter because of mine, and wavy brown hair—yet everyone else claims she takes after me personality wise. I can't see it yet but I know I'd love her whatever she turns out to be like. I can't help but smile as her contagious laugh sounds through the room.

"Don't scare her," I chuckle, nudging Kenji.

He scoops her up into his arms and rests her small body on his thigh. We're on the bed and we were just awoken by our daughter, meaning the sun is only now rising.

"She's tough," he says. Kisses her cheek. "You're tough, right?"

Jane nods happily. "Super tough."

"See?" Kenji beams at me.

I cock my head and shake it, a smile still lingering on my lips.

"But Mommy's tougher," Jane says to us with wide, serious eyes.

A surprised, loving chuckle escapes me. "Oh. . ."

Kenji nods in agreement. "Very good point, Janie."

"I know," my four year old says, "'cause Auntie Jules told me"—She takes a deep breath like this whole conversation is tough for her—"how Mommy saved the whole world."

My heart fills with pure joy. I mean it. It's like in a video game when you've been on low health throughout the entire level and suddenly you find that one ray of hope that just bursts you with health and happiness.

"Oh," I laugh. "When did she tell you that?"

"Yesterday," answers Jane, reaching out for me calmly. She's always been a calm baby girl. She has never not slept when she was supposed to. I guess that's where I can see she takes after me.

I take her in my arms and smother her whole face with kisses. It seems surreal to me—even now—that I have a child. That someone loved me enough to start a family with me. I no longer fear myself or my abilities after my adventures. Even the deadly ones.

I've grown and now I have a sunshine baby. That's what Kenji calls her sometimes anyway.

He glances between my eyes and my lips and his grin only widens.

I know that look.

I cup my daughter's face gently and smile at her. "Do you want to go get your present for Daddy special day?" Father's Day. Never a big deal in my books—definitely a big deal to Jane.

Jane pecks my cheek one last time with a bright smile. "Okay," And she climbs out of my lap clumsily, slipping down the white bed and I have to fight the urge to chuckle at her attempt—she's so small she makes it look hard to get to the ground.

"Bye!" She waves at us before rushing out the door, her bare feet sounding through the hallway.

I laugh softly, caught up in the moment. When I turn my head I see Kenji gazing at me. Even after having been looked at this way for over a decade now, I can never get over how he stares into my eyes. How his expression has never wavered or changed whatsoever when he looks at me, not since the day we met in that hallway and I told him my name.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "I just want to say," he says, "I told you so: I knew you'd be a hot mom."

My cheeks flame and I cringe in either embarrassment or some other emotion I know too well—an emotion I feel whenever I don't know how to accept a compliment.

Kenji laughs and before I know it he's sitting right in front of me, even towering over me in this position. "I don't remember the last time I made you feel so mortified," He laughs gently.

I run a hand over my face. "Shut up."

"Better comebacks when you were seventeen, Sunshine."

"Better flirting tactics, pretty boy."

He raises his eyebrows. "So we're doing that?"

I chuckle. "Looks like."

"Okay," He pretends to be in deep thought. "You used to have better cooking skills."

My jaw drops. "You're kidding me, right? I only knew the basics!"

Kenji shrugs. "More than you know now."

I gasp, offended but he grins.

"You're so lucky we have a kid or I would divorce the hell out of you," I tell him playfully.

He lifts my ring finger. I don't have my engagement ring on today. "Too late, baby. You're stuck with me." Kenji's smile has never seemed happier to me as he shows me the black ring I had tattooed around my ring finger to imitate the one I had when he first drew it on me. It's what I had done instead of an actual wedding ring.

I shove him back. "Loser."

"Have you gone soft, Sunshine?" He clicks his tongue. "Come on, I used to get death threats."

"Maybe I don't want to threaten you anymore," I tell him.

His lips rise again, gazing down at mine and he shakes his head like he can't believe something. "How did I convince you to date me?"

I climb onto his lap carefully. "You made me karaoke Taylor Swift with you."

"Right," Kenji's hands travel to my waist. "But the second time?"

His eyes sparkle in amusement when I say, "Oh, the second you knew I didn't loathe you anymore you jumped my bones."

"And it was good," he chuckles teasingly.

I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. "Did you know you're just as childish as you were ten years ago?"

Kenji studies me. Then, "Did you know you're just as mind-fucking-ly beautiful as you were ten years ago?"

I melt. I actually melt. A breath leaves my lips and he smirks. "You're so cheesy," I shake my head.

He leans in, smelling of expensive stuff I can't be bothered to describe because of the feelings he's giving me right now. "You're my wife," he says pathetically, kissing me.  


more super duper fun one shots to come hope you liked this one ik it's kinda short and boring but still!!🩷🩷🩷

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