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-  "If you really care about me, you'd do what I'm asking you to do!"  -  Alejandros voice echoed, Rudy just stood there not knowing what to do or say to not make the situation worse.

-  "I just... think there are other ways to make this city beautiful.."  -  He finally spoke, Alejandros looked over at Rudy.

-  "You don't trust me... You think I'm a fucking idiot for wanting to sacrifice my life for this city. This country!"  -  Alejandro said with rage in his eyes.

- "I do trust you and I do not think that you're an idiot! I... I just think there's a better option, I mean... We're talking about risking our lives here!"  -  Rodolfo answered confidently.

- "Other options..."  -  Alejandro chuckled.

- "WHAT other options, HUH?!"  -  He questioned. Rudy just stared at the ground trying to come up with other possibilities but his mind was blank.

- "You know what... If we can't do it together.. I'll do it on my own."  -  Alejandro stated before walking away.

- "Wait!"  -  Rudy shouted after him. Alejandro stopped and faced him.

- "What."  -  He growled. Rodolfo took a deep breath.

- "I..."  -  He began.

Alejandro raised his eyebrow impatiently.

- "I.. Love you..."  -  Rudy finished. Alejandro looked at him with wide eyes.

- "What did you say?"  -  Alejandro said, shocked.

- "I love you..."  -  Rudy repeated. He looked into Alejandros eyes expecting an answer.

- "I... I should go.."  -  Alejandro responded as he turned around.

- "Wait! I'm-"  -  Rodolfo started just to get cut off but Alejandros low voice.

- "Just...Leave me alone!"  -  The black-haired boy yelled before running off. Rudy stood there with an aching heart just now realizing he possibly ruined their 12-year-old friendship.

Rodolfo jumped in his bed as his alarm started ringing. He sat up, covered in a cold sweat, his heart pumping and his breathing quickened.

-  "It was just a dream.. dios"  -  He said quietly to himself trying to calm himself down.

He turned off the alarm and got out of bed. He walked up to his closet and took out some clothes to wear. In reality, he didn't have any energy to go out, especially with his best friend. He wondered if his lack of energy came from the fact that he has to face Alejandro today, or because he was waking up every hour at night for an unknown reason. He walked into the bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror, he splashed his face with cold water and proceeded to get ready to take a shower.

Rudy couldn't stop thinking, not only about how to tell Alejandro about his feeling and if he even SHOULD tell him about them, but his mind kept thinking about random stuff, some of the things he thought about weren't even important in his life or weren't even related to him, it was driving him nuts. He got out of the shower and dried himself with a towel that was hanging on the wall. He got dressed and went to make himself breakfast.

Before going to the kitchen he walked down a hall leading to his room, he opened the door, made his bed, and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, he walked up to the window and opened up the blinds letting the warm light of the sun into his room. He walked out, closing the door behind him, and walked down the stairs. He entered the kitchen and opened up the fridge, he took out a carton of milk and placed it on a counter next to it, he then made his way to the pantry, the doors to the pantry opened with a quiet creak, he grabbed a cereal box and went to place it on the counter next to the milk he placed before. He opened the cabinet on top and pulled out a bowl before placing it on the counter as well. Rodolfo poured the cereal into the bowl and then added milk, he took out a spoon from a drawer next to the pantry and proceeded to eat. He sat down at the dining table and pulled out his phone, he was debating rather to text Alejandro or just go and meet up with him in person.

He finished his bowl of cereal before putting it in the sink. The Mexican boy made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. He placed a foot inside the bathroom before getting a phone call, the fellow looked at the screen just to notice that the person who was calling him was no other than Alejandro. He hesitated before answering the call.

-  "Hey, you're still up for our meet up?"  -   The voice on the phone spoke.

-  "Claro! I was just getting ready!"  -  Rodolfo answered. They talked for a few more minutes.

-  "Alright then, see you soon!"  -  Alejandro said before hanging up.

Rudy brushed his teeth and combed his hair in a rush, before running down the stairs and putting on his shoes to meet up with Alejandro.

When Rodolfo arrived at the destination he noticed Alejandro already waiting for him. Alejandro noticed the boy shortly after and waved at him, Rudy did the same, he ran up to him and started a conversation.

-  "Hey! So.. How are you?"  -  Rudy said awkwardly.

-  "Not bad, you?"  -  Alejandro answered. They started walking, Rodolfo felt a knot tying in his stomach the more Alejandro spoke to him.

-  "Hey, are you okay? You're looking a little pale.."  -  Alejandro asked, concerned.

-  "Yeah, I'm fine"  -  the brown-haired boy nodded.

-  "Just didn't sleep well, that's all"  -  he added.

-  "If you say so.."  -  Alejandro answered, unconvinced.

They noticed an Ice cream stand, Alejandro looked over.

-  "Hey! Do you want to get ice cream?"  -  he exclaimed.

-  "No thanks, I didn't bring any money with me."  -  Rudy answered.

-  "It's fine! It's on me!"  -  the black-haired man said before walking up to the stand.

-  "I'm fine! Really!"  -  Rodolfo begged. Alejandro didn't listen to him. He bought both of them chocolate ice cream.

- "Listen... I have something to tell you..."  -  Rudy began. Alejandro listened to him carefully.

- "I..." - He continued.

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