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~ Firstly holy shit, I never expected this fanfiction to pop off the way it did🥹🥹 thank you guys so much for 1k reads! Here is a short Epilogue just for y'all~

5 years later ~

As I walked down the dirt path to my house, luggage in hand, Sebastian ran out, as if he had been waiting for my arrival. He crashed into me picking me up causing me to drop my luggage. He spun me around kissing all over my neck and face.

"Darling you act as if you haven't seen me in months, I was here just last weekend" I smiled, as he put me down.

"I can still miss my wife, you know?" He joked, planting another kiss to my cheek.

"Where is?-" I said before being interrupted.

"Mummy!" A small girl yelled, running out of the house and crashing into my legs, nearly knocking me over.

I squatted down and hugged her, "I've missed you Eleanor." I kissed her head before getting up.

"Mother are you home for good now?" Eleanor asked in a sweet voice.

"Sweetheart, You know I have to go back at the end of the summer, it's my job" I said, brushing the mess of curly hair from her face.

I heard a quiet scoff come from Sebastian, he cocked his head at the door, signaling that he wanted a moment alone.

"Sweetheart, go ahead and go inside, your father and I will be in, in a moment." I said, Eleanor nodded and ran towards the door, I flicked my wand and my luggage flew inside behind her.

Sebastian moved closer to me, placing a hand on my lower stomach, "How's number two?" He said quietly, smiling ear to ear.

"All is well, Blainey suspects it's another girl" I smirked, knowing Sebastian longed for a son.

He laughed "I suspect she is wrong" he said gently rubbing my stomach.

"Let's go inside, I can only imagine the mess a grown man, and a three year old have created." I joked, making my way towards the door.

"Ha ha" He said sarcastically "I'll have you know, the house is much cleaner from when you came home last time" he smiled, opening the door for me.

I was home.

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now