Get rid of it

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One day Alhaitham comes home to find his roommate with a baby in a basket. Kaveh insists on keeping it only until they find it a better home but Alhaitham wonders if he shouldn't have just left it in front of someone else's door...

Alhaitham took a deep breath as he finally reached the door to his home. He was supposed to finish his work in the Akademiya way sooner but work just kept flowing. All he wanted was to go home and read for the rest of the night.

Just as he unlocked the door Alhaitham heard a loud high pitched scream. Was it Kaveh? No, he doesn't scream like that.

Alhaitham walked into the house, his expression somewhat panicked. Only to find Kaveh standing in the living room with a weird expression on his face that the gray haired man couldn't understand.

When he got closer, his eyes finally spotted a basket on the table and two small hands reaching out from it trying to grab something. Kaveh was holding his key over the basket and shaking it.

"What's that?" Alhaitham finally asked.

Kaveh seemed startled by that. He didn't hear when his roommate entered the house.

"It's a baby."

"Why do you have it?" Alhaitham got closer to take a better look at the little thing. His face was immediately filled with disgust. The baby was clearly and newborn.

Suddenly Alhaitham looked at Kaveh with wide eyes. "Did you... Get someone pregnant?"

That made Kaveh drop the keys in the basket. "What are you talking about?! I didn't get anyone pregnant! Do I look like that type of guy to you??"

This answer made Alhaitham sigh in relief. "Where did it come from then?"

"I don't know! I was working on a project when I heard it crying from outside the door. I went to check and it was there!"

Alhaitham decided to take another look at the thing and he noticed a note on the side. He pulled it out.

"What does it say?" Kaveh asked. But the annoyance on Alhaitham's face should've been enough to answer his question.

The gray haired man handed him the note so he could read for himself. "Please take good care of her." Was all that was written.

After a few seconds of silence Alhaitham sighed and grabbed the handles of the basket.

"Wait wait what are you doing?" Kaveh stopped him.

"To put it back."

"Put it back? Put it back where?!" Kaveh took the basket from him.

"I'll find it's parents and give it back. It's their responsibility and they should take care of it. It's the consequences of their own actions. We don't have to deal with it."

"The parents obviously didn't want her if they left her here."

Alhaitham frowned. "Then what do you plan to do with it? Take care of it?"

Kaveh was quiet for a while and Alhaitham frowned even more.

"Don't tell me..."

Alhaitham X Kaveh oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now