The Forgotten Princess - Chapter 4

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Hello everyone!

Sorry it’s kind of short but it was 6 pgs in word!

I have a serious question at the bottom so please answer it. =)

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Thanks & Enjoyy!!





Haven’s pov.



I laid Lauren down on the bed and remembered I didn’t have any clothes with me.


“ Hey Dominic… would you mind if I borrowed some clothes I don’t have any… with me.” I said adding on the last part even though I only owned what I was wearing I’ll just buy a couple pieces of clothing while I’m shopping tomorrow.

“sure. Here” he said handing me a large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants that looked like they would never fit me.

I went into the bathroom to change.

“umm….Dominic…. Do you have any smaller sweatpants?” I called out

There wasn’t a drawstring on them to make them smaller around the waist.

They fit length wise though.

“ That pair is the smallest I have. Do you want me to go ask Emma if she has some she can loan you…?” he asked.

“No. it’s fine. The shirt will work.” I replied.

It covered everything and ended about 3inches above mid-thigh.

I walked out and handed him his folded sweats.

He groaned.

I turned around to see him with lust filled eyes.

“ Unless you want me to jump you right here right now and risk Lauren seeing. I suggest you get under the blankets or find some pants… but then again that may not even help.” he said looking at my lips longingly.

“Whatever you say, Alpha” I said fake saluting him before crawling under the covers next to Lauren pulling her closer to me.

A few minutes later Dominic slid into bed behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I secretly smiled to myself.

Who would believe that just the other day I was living on the streets as a hooker now I’m living with a man who loves me and I think I may love and a little girl that I love.






Haven’s pov.


I woke up in Dominic’s arms and Lauren in mine.

It felt right, like this is the way it’s supposed to be.

It took me a moment to realize the fact the this is the best sleep in I can’t even remember when, I didn’t wake up not once it’s been a long time since that’s happened.

I glance over at the clock it was 11:57am damn even slept in.

Well if you could call it that cause we didn’t go to bed till about 3:30 in the morning whoops.

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