ch2 - It's all...

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'Oh my, I was so cringe...'
"So, as I said, you came to us and di-" "No, I don't want to hear it!" I cutted at Chifuyu's words fiercely
"Calm down, you just need to know that and anyways I'm embarrassed to tell you this too.." I swallowed "Okay, then tell me, I won't interrupt!"

"So it was like..."


Kazutora was standing and swaying in front of Chifuyu and said nothing. "Hey Kazu are you okay? Do you need to throw up or what's wrong?" He still didn't say anything. "Hey Tora, say something! And then we can help you!" he still stood without a word

He looked at Baji but his mouth was still closed. They both looked at each other, while Chifuyu moved closer to Kazutora. Fuyu was about to put his hand on tora's shoulder when Kazutora grabbed his wrist and kissed him.

It didn't last that long, it was just a quick kiss. But Chifuyu felt it was long, maybe because he had mixed feelings towards Kazutora or because it was something he didn't expect that will ever happen between them.

After the kiss, Kazutora walked over to Baji. He looked visibly jealous. Although they kissed too. After that, Kazutora stated that "It's a difficult decision, they both kiss well, although if I really have to, I'd choose fuyu!" "Uhhhh" shouted the others

~End of Flashback~

'Oh my God, I can't believe this, I'm like this when I'm really drunk?!'
"Not long after that, I drove you two home." "Wait, I thought we were walking home." "You actually insisted that you walk, but I thought it would be better to take you home after this...."

"You know um, I..." "I know what you want to say, we can pretend it never happened, that's what I wanted to ask you too." "Really? It's good then, thanks." I smiled at him

We didn't speak to each other for about 2 minutes and did our work. "By the way, one more thing." "Yes, Boss!" I looked at him curiously
"I'd like to invite you and Baji-san to my place for dinner on Friday night! I'd cook for us and we could talk!"

"Okay! I can't wait, I'll tell him! He will surely be looking forward to it too." "Then... let's do the work properly!"
Thenceforth, he didn't give me so much work. And the day didn't last long, we finished at 5 pm. We said goodbye to each other and both went home.

I got home. Baji was already home. "I got home!" from the kitchen "Yo Tora! How was your day?" i went to him "Well, if I hadn't gotten up at 4:30 pm, Chifuyu wouldn't have scolded me as usual." "I see, I should have woken you up when I left for the dojo." Baji interrupted

"Btw how was it in the dojo?"
"Just the usual." he packed the glasses on the shelf "Got it, you had fun then!" "Yeah. I made you dinner." "Oh, thanks." It was already 6 pm.

I was talking to Baji while I was having dinner. I told him about Chifuyu's invitation and he was very happy. After that I went to take a shower. It was 7 pm. I thought I'd watch some youtube videos, but in general Baji always said "Are you seriously watching such nonsense?" That's why I didn't even tell him to join me now. This lasted until 8 pm.

I was bored, I didn't know what to do, Baji was already in his room, I didn't want to disturb him. So I went to get some snacks and sat down to watch a movie. In the end, I chose Scream 1 among the horror films. It was already 10 pm when I finished the movie.

Anyway, it wasn't that bad, and since I wasn't sleepy yet, I started watching part 2. I fell asleep during the movie.
I think, I fell into some kind of world. 'But I don't even know where I am.' I thought to myself , as I looked around more closely, I was in a junkyard, there were a few people lying around me on a car hill.

I felt irritated and angry. I started down the hill with a knife, 'I don't understand why I am doing this rn'....then I stabbed someone in the waist with it. and I mumbled "Die, Baji!" that's when I realized it

who I was about to stab....'I can't believe this, it's probably just a bad dream. It can't be, I would never do that...he is my best friend, we're in the same gang,... but wait, this isn't even Toman's uniform what i wear, it's something else. It's like I'm not even in control of my body and my few thoughts.'

I fell to the ground as he lay there, I thought it couldn't get any worse. But...
the events happened so fast I could hardly process what I was seeing.
Mikey could have said something like "When he came out of the juvie I wanted to kill him but Baji said that he only wanted good for me..." then he came to me

He started hitting me more and more.
The thoughts that came to me at that moment terrified me. And there was a memory that is not at all familiar to me but still I had strange feelings about it.
"Why...Why?! I did this for Mikey..."
Someone was lying on the ground, I was holding a wire cutter
"It's all....It's all Mikey's fault! That's why...
I need to kill Mikey."

"Don't say something so sad! No matter what kind of hell waiting for us...
I'll be with you until the end!"
Baji hugged me....and suddenly the memory disappeared.
'It's always been like that. Baji... was always with me matter what he said.
I guess I ended up destroying the thing that's most important to me.
I am sorry, Baji, I'll be joining you soon.


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦Where stories live. Discover now