17 | sorry for your loss.

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"If anyone comes asking after us, do not give them any information."

It all makes sense now.

Being called into the principals office for an unknown reason can hardly ever be good, but when you have two police officers greeting you it's bound to be worse than you imagined.

"We have reason to believe they'd stolen hundreds of thousands in cash from one of the biggest drug rings in America and knew they'd been caught."

"Their death was suicide."

"We're so sorry for your loss."

Maybe the two police offers standing in the office that my own school principal got kicked out of think I'm the single-handedly most insensitive human being on the planet for not bursting into tears at the news, but I can't cry. It's not that I don't want to, but because I have a rule; do not allow people to see your vulnerability. They'll take advantage.

I've already broken that rule several times with Scarlett, but it's different with her. At least it feels it. I hope it stays that way.

"What's going to happen to me?" I ask the tall blonde male officer across the room as I remain seated. My voice is quiet and shaky. It's been a couple minutes since I last spoke and I'm hesitant to break my silence with a question that probably sounds completely selfish.

"Typically, we'd get you to stay with immediate family but due to the fact that drugs were involved, it's not safe."
It's not safe just incase they come after them instead.
"So, we are trying to find a foster home that can take you in tonight."

"I don't want to go into a foster home," I deadpan.

"Unfortunately, there's no other option, I'm sorry."

"What if I refuse?"

"You're sixteen, kid. I'm terribly sorry but there's not much you can do. At least not at the moment," the blonde explains further.

"That's ridiculous! I should be able to have a say!" I respond. I don't know why I started raising my voice. It's not his fault. I just think I'm a little unsure on how I'm supposed to process everything. I've always hated change. I hate the unknown, and the fear that I don't even have a place to go back to is crippling.

No, my home never felt particularly safe or comfortable but the knowledge of knowing exactly where I'd be at the end of the day was comfortable. Despite the relationship I had with my parents, there was stability and stability is about the only thing that keeps me from losing the ability to function.

"We really do understand that this is a lot for you to process, so if you'd like to call someone please feel free to do so," he suggests in a gentle manner.

"I assume no immediate family though?"
I have seen any of my aunties or uncles in a few years and was never close to them anyway, but I ask because I'm wondering if Scarlett would be included as 'immediate family'. Biologically, I'm closer to her than anyone but she didn't have anything to do with me until a month ago.

"For your safety we suggest that you keep your distance for the time being. What about a friend? Or a colleague?"

"Can I call my biological mother? I swear she has absolutely nothing to do with my adopted family. She hasn't spoken to them since I was born and is completely out of the mix. I promise you."


"Kenz." The sound of Scarlett's voice instantly makes me break as she comes into the office. For the first time since receiving the news, I stand from my chair and cry into the arms of the only person I feel completely and utterly safe with.

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