Walking in Hope...

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As they walked, Jamie could feel herself relaxing. Away from the pressure of the table, she felt more secure and confident. There was no one to judge her. She knew Tom never would. He just wasn't that type.

They walked down from Covent Garden to Leicester Square, past the now infamous ice cream shop and towards the Embankment.  As they got further and further away from the restaurant, Jamie began to get nervous.

"Shouldn't we head back? What if Luke needs you?" She was genuinely concerned that Tom would be missed. 

"Don't you worry, love," he said with a wink, "I suspect we are the last people those two are thinking about! You saw them, I have a sneaking suspicion we won't see them surface for quite some time." He grinned, and Jamie blushed at the implication. Not that she was a prude, Mandy was a grown woman and could do whatever she liked. It was just the passing glint of good-natured envy. Spending time like that with Tom was something she dared not even dream of.

"She's been my best friend through thick and thin. I love her like a sister. She deserves to be happy.  And Luke could do a lot worse for himself, I tell you." She said emphatically with a smile.

Tom looked down at her. The loyalty the two women showed about each other warmed his heart and spoke volumes about them. He was, with one or two sadly noticeable exceptions, usually a good judge of character.  He knew this time he was right. Jamie was someone he wanted to get to know so very much better.

"Fancy a coffee?" He asked, slipping an arm casually around her shoulders. Being that much taller, it was slightly easier than holding hands, something he realised he was dying to do.

Jamie smiled and blushed at the move, secretly cheering. She nodded.

"That would be great, thanks."

They walked down to a little stall by the riverside.  As Tom went and ordered at the little truck, she stood and looked out over the water to the embankment on the other side.  The South Bank of the Thames was famous for its connection to the arts. The National Theatre, The Globe, the Tate Modern Gallery. All made their home on its famous shoulder. She found herself wondering if she would ever get the pleasure of walking there with Tom. 

A voice at her back soon answered that particular question.

"Penny for them, love?" He leaned in as he passed her the coffee and whispered in her ear. His breath was warm on her neck, his aftershave filled her nostrils. She jumped a little and turned with a giggle. "Sorry," he winced "didnt mean to startle you." He took a sip, "so, what had you concentrating so hard?"

Jamie sipped her coffee.  It was strong  and smooth. Just like Tom, she thought with a wry inner smile. "I was just looking at the South Bank. It's quite a place. So much to see." She left it at that, not wanting to pressure him.  This was, after all, more than he signed up for.  Lunch and a few questions was one thing, entertaining her while his friend made out with hers, was above and beyond.

She needn't have worried.

"Why don't we cross over at Westminster Bridge and take a look? It's a nice night. There will be street artists out. I love the atmosphere." He took a couple of steps away and held out his hand. "Come on, little one, it's busy - I dont want to risk losing you." For a moment, he looked at her, their eyes locked. The tone of his voice was low, and the meaning? Well, a tiny part of her dared to believe it was more than just making sure she made it out the other side of tonight's strolling population.

Without speaking, she smiled and reached out. Slipping her hand into his.  It felt warm and safe.  She wondered, her stomach clenching and her heart racing, if his arms felt the same. 

Twenty minutes later, they wandered amongst the families, the couples, and the other hundreds of tourists that made up the early evening population.  Street artists sang, danced, and sketched for their supper.  As they walked along, there was the distinctive organ music from a traditional fairground Carousel complete with painted horses going up and down.

Jamie turned to Tom, eyes shining and smile beaming. "Please?"

Tom smiled. She looked so happy with such a simple request that he could deny her nothing. He nodded,

"Of course darling." He smiled, and instinctively, he almost kissed her there and then. Pulling himself back to reality with a start, they walked up to the booth.  The young girl in the ticket booth did a double take when Tom asked for a couple of tickets.  She slid them under the glass with a shy smile, and he winked at her, making her giggle and blush.

As they waited for the ride to stop so they could get on, he looked down at her. Was it possible that she was as attracted to him as he was to her?

"Something wrong?" Her voice broke into his thoughts, and he became aware that she was looking up at him, a puzzled look on her face. Her face, her beautiful face. It might only have been hours, but her features were now as familiar to him as his own.  His heart raced as he imagined what it would be like to hold her much in the same way as he was sure Luke now held Mandy.

Love might be putting it a bit strongly, but Tom was in no doubt he wanted to see Jamie again.

Alot.  And soon.

A few people began to notice who was standing there. Phones started to emerge, and he was endlessly patient as selfie after selfie was requested. At first, he tried to keep Jamie close, but as the crowd grew, it became increasingly difficult. 

Remaining unfailingly polite, he tried to extract himself.  All thoughts of riding the carousel were gone. He just wanted to get Jamie out of the growing scrum and rescue what was left of their walk.

The crowd had other plans. As more and more people posted on social media, he became surrounded by fans.  Although it was generally good-natured, frustration crept in. It took all his resolve to remember these same people were the ones who, at the end of the day, made him famous in the first place.

Jamie watched as Tom dealt with the fans carefully and considerately. He was charming and polite and made each feel that it was no bother at all.  She was in awe.  He looked over at her a few times to make sure she was ok, and she smiled and nodded, his concern both comforting and worrying to her. 

What he wasn't really aware of was the fact they were, quite literally, drifting apart.  It became glaringly obvious to her that  she was more of a hinderance to him than a help.

Quietly and discretely, she slipped away. She pulled out her phone and sent a text, and then she headed for the tube.  She would never forget how kind he had been, the feeling of her hand in his. The look in his eyes as she smiled at him across the table.

No, she would never forget. Ever.

Tom felt his phone vibrate, and he took a step to the side, asking a young woman to wait two minutes for a selfie.

He pulled it out and read the text.  Instantly, his head shot up, and he scanned the crowd.  No, please, surely not. He scanned further and further out. As his eyes came to rest on the bridge, he saw the petite figure hurrying away.

He cursed inwardly. Damn his fame. Damn his bloody fame.  For one of the few times in his life, he wished he'd listened to his father and chosen another career.  One that didn't cost him so dearly.

Eventually, he managed to free himself from the throng of people. Walking back to the tube, he looked at the message again. Was there any hope?

"Dearest Tom, thank you for today. It was the single best day I can ever remember. It was a privilege to meet you, and I will always love recalling every minute in your company.  I'm sorry I made it turn out the way it did. I should have had more forethought. Please forgive me.  Take good care Tom, who knows? We may yet meet again when Mandy and Luke get married, lol. Always yours, Jamie xxx "

She blamed herself and that alone made his heart ache. Add to that the loss he now felt so acutely?  Beyond how he'd imagined today going. He looked again.

Always yours... maybe there was hope. There had to be hope.

A Question Of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें