Shock and Awe

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"Its Tom. Tom Hiddleston, the actor.  I just wondered if you were coming on Friday, darling?"

Jamie almost dropped the phone, then almost dropped herself, on the pavement in the middle of Leicester Square.  There was NO mistaking that voice! 

"H-hello?  Oh Mr Hiddleston, I'm so sorry!" her face paled to almost translucent and she turned to Mandy with eyes the size of saucers. Mandy grabbed the phone before she had a chance to say any more.

"Look mate, I don't know if it's really you, but you better be, 'cos if you're winding my friend - my GOOD friend - up, I'll hunt you down and take you out!" Mandy had gone into Momma Bear mode.  There was no way she was going to let Jamie be scammed, although if she'd stopped to think, how would a scammer have known about Friday? Jamie was horrified.  How could she speak to her Tom like that!

For his part, Tom was a mixture of taken aback and actually very pleased that someone cared enough about their friend to challenge anyone, no matter who they appeared to be.

"No problem - look, hang up and I'll facetime you.  If I'm not who I say I am, you'll never hear from me again. Agreed?" he smiled into the phone, his usual charm overcoming even the fiercest opposition.

"Okay.  I'll give you that one.  See you - literally- in two minutes!" Mandy hung up and handed the phone back to a shell-shocked Jamie. "Brace yourself love" was all she said with a knowing smile.

Sure enough, the phone rang again, this time a facetime request.  Jamie looked over at Mandy with pure fear in her eyes. "Well ANSWER it woman!" was Mandy's laughing response.

Before she had a chance to overthink it, Jamie pressed the button.  For a second nothing happened then, as she watched, a face appeared.  Well, more accurately a nose and a smile.  But she would recognise that nose and smile in a forest of them.  

The smile faltered for a second then said "Jamie?  Jamie Wilson?  So very pleased to meet you!" 

"Tom!" she breathed, then as her brain kicked in fully,  "Tom, I can only see your nose and mouth, and charming as they are..."

And then she heard it "Ehehehehe!" and her mind went into meltdown.  The laugh that launched a thousand memes.

 Something she never EVER thought she would hear in person. "I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot with tech.  Hang on, that any better?" and there he was.  All ginger blonde hair, laughing blue-green eyes and a smile to make the flowers grow. He had just a hint of stubble a la Jonathan Pine and, oh my, that white t-shirt should actually be illegal.

"Hi!" she now descended into fan-girl mode, her previous composure lost in the face of, well, his face really. She grinned like an idiot and sat silent as he pretty much did the same.

"I, I don't normally harass people into coming to see me, honestly, but you were the only person not to respond and after Luke telling me about your chance meeting, I just had to make sure you were coming!" he said it all in a rush, as if he felt he had to justify the intrusion. It was such a sweet gesture that even the hardened and cynical Mandy felt she had to say something.

"Hi Tom" she leaned over Jamie's shoulder "Sorry about earlier, just looking out for my friend - you know how it is!" she shrugged and winked, she was pretty much immune to Tom's charms.  She much preferred a certain man in an iron suit, but he did look pretty tasty, even she had to admit.  

Tom just laughed and said "No problem, no problem at all.  So Jamie?  You coming?" 

Jamie heard Mandy snort in a most unladylike fashion as she reacted to his comment like an adolescent boy and prayed he didn't hear the murmured "oh you have NO idea Tom".  Ignoring her companion's filthy mind, she nodded. 

"Yes, sorry I didn't email back, I'm actually on a little holiday at the moment and in all the to-ing and fro-ing I just forgot.  I am very much looking forward to co... seeing you!" she shot a glance at Mandy who just stuck out her tongue and winked.

"Great! Don't forget those sketches now please?" he smiled and Jamie felt herself go all weak at the knees yet again.  Thank God she was sitting down!  "So you're on holiday eh?" he seemed genuinely interested, completely ignoring the fact he was a film-star and she was someone he'd never even spoken to until five minutes before that.

"Yeah, came to London to see my friend Mandy - you know the scary, RUDE one - and we're currently eating ice cream in Leicester Square.  You know, the big shop with all the flavours?" she rambled, suddenly aware she might be oversharing just a tad.  If she was, Tom was gentleman enough to ignore it and nodded enthusiastically.  

"Mhmm, know it well, I love Strachacciatella.  All the little bits of chocolate.  You must try it sometime." he licked his lips at the thought and Jamie thought she would combust on the spot.  Mandy had long since walked off, unable to stay silent in the face of Jamie's descent into complete meltdown. "And after the ice cream?  Where next?" he sat back and crossed his legs, looking for all the world like he was settling down for a chat with an old friend.  Jamie started to relax, his candour and easy charm acting like a warm blanket of reassurance.

"Not sure, I quite fancy going up to Camden, it's too busy on a Saturday, all the tourists. " she laughed as she realised that's exactly what she was.  Tom laughed, 

"Yep, know what you mean.  I usually never go anywhere near it at the weekend.  Too many people trying to fit into too small a space.  Food's good though." 

"Yeah, although after all this ice cream, I don't think I'll eat for a week!" she said with a smile. " I feel a tad guilty to be honest." 

"I never feel guilty about genuine pleasures love, if you're not harming anyone else then no-one else need judge!" he smiled and winked.

In the background, she could hear someone come into the room he was sitting in, and he looked round, then waved them over.  Instantly she recognised the figure. 

"Hi again!" Luke said as he leaned over Tom's shoulder and waved "Hope he's not harassing you too much.  You know what these needy stars are like!" he rolled his eyes and Tom pretended to be offended.

"I resemble that remark thank you VERY much Mr Windsor!" he put on a pout and turned to Jamie "Tell him. Tell him I've been a good boy!"

"Oh Luke, you know he's a good boy really.  He's just VERY naughty in certain situations!" Mandy reappeared and interjected before Jamie could stop her. Luke roared with laughter as Tom's mouth hung open in genuine surprise. Jamie covered her eyes and blushed to her toes.

"Well ladies, much as I am LOVING this mutual put down of the man of the hour, some of us have work to do.  I'm so glad you're coming Jamie, I think this is going to be a hoot.  Oh, and the travel will cover two people so feel free to bring your responsible adult ok? "  Luke had the feeling this double act would liven things up no end.

Jamie uncovered her eyes just quickly enough to start to thank him as Luke grabbed the phone and Tom yelled in the background "See you Friday Jamieeeeee!" as the line went dead.

Mandy and Jamie turned to each other and in a split second, grabbed each other and shrieked madly, not for the first time that weekend.

Leicester Square didn't bat an eyelid.  They were used to insane people walking about.  

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