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"Go to them, little flame

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"Go to them, little flame."

"They're here for you little light."

"They're here for you."

Whispers were what woke Anna up in a gasp. Looking around Anna was met with darkness. But she could feel the bodies of Elain and Nesta beside her asleep. She was confused as to what had happened. But soon remembered that she had cried herself to sleep in Elain's arms.

She was clueless as to why she was up until she heard them again. The whispers. The whispers that were trying to guide her somewhere. She had no clue where they were coming from but all she wanted to do was follow them. Moving out of Nesta's and Elain's hold carefully Anna scooted herself to the edge of the bed.

Sitting there for what felt like hours Anna listened to the whispers in the air. Tears began to fall down Anna's face as she sat and listened. She was scared of the whispers and didn't know what to do. She didn't want to bother anyone with her fears and the whispers. But she knew she needed to do something. A sigh left her lips as she brought her hands to her eyes to wipe away the tears. Just as she was about to reach out to wake up Nesta and Elain.

Anna suddenly stopped hand mid air before brushing her fingers against Nesta's arm. A gasp left her lips then her dark brown eyes became clouded over with whiteness. Anna felt as if she was being pushed to the back of her mind as something took over her body. All she could do was watch as everything happened around her. Anna's body was soon moving on its own. Moving off the bed swiftly without waking the sisters.

Anna then walked to the balcony outside the bedroom. Looking back at the room with a now blank face and white eyes. She suddenly lifts a leg over the ledge and climbs over. A sigh left her lips as she looked down at the city below. And then falls forward.

Anna tried to scream and cry out in her mind but nothing happened. Then she was engulfed in darkness. As the darkness left Anna found she was now standing in the middle of a snowy forest of sorts. Anna was now in control of her body. A shiver went through Anna's body as she stood there feeling the cold breeze being that she was in her nightgown. But the snow didn't seem to bother her warm skin. A cry left her lips as Anna looked around having no clue what happened or where she was. Anna soon wrapped her arms around herself, hugging herself. When suddenly she heard the whispers again.

"Come. This way little flame," a voice echoed. Then a small light appeared... a little flame. It moved around Anna in a circle which intrigued her. Reaching out Anna gasped as she touched the warm flame that didn't burn her and smiled. It was amazing. The flame then hovered above her and started moving into an unknown direction. Looking around Anna was nervous but thought she had nothing to lose. So with a sigh she began to follow the flame.

After what felt like hours of climbing, walking, and following the flame finally stopped. A sigh left Anna as she saw the flame stop. Anna then saw where the flame stopped in front of... a dark cave. The cave was being lit by the flame that Anna grew to like. It seemed to have a mind of its own at times circling around Anna every once in a while. Which led a giggle to escape Anna. But Anna soon stopped when she got to the back of the cave.

It was empty but as she entered a feeling of comfort and safety engulfed Anna. Anna couldn't help but smile at the feeling. But she gasped when the flame split into two. One remained in front of her then another hovered over the ground.

Taking a gulp of air Anna walked to the area the second flame hovered over to. Kneeling down Anna looked at the flame that hovered over the ground. Licking her lips nervously Anna placed her hand on the ground. Suddenly the ground shook, scaring Anna a cry left her as she fell back. A gasp left Anna as she watched as the ground shook and three eggs seemed to grow from the ground.

The eggs were all unique in their own way. Though they were all covered in scales they were all different colors. One was white, the second was onyx, and the third was a silver color. As soon as Anna saw the eggs a fierce need to care and keep them safe was all she felt.

Biting her lip nervously Anna looked around then reached out to touch the onyx one in the middle. Touching the egg it was warm. But when Anna touched the eggs the familiar branches of orange decorated her skin. Then the feeling of comfort and safety engulfed Anna again. The whispers that seemed to follow Anna silenced. Then the second flame that hovered set the eggs on fire. Which led Anna to yelp.

And soon the eggs started to move. Another yelp escaped Anna when they began to move. But Anna watched them though with awe and wonder as all three began to hatch. She had no idea what was in the eggs... but all Anna knew was that she would protect them and take care of them. That didn't stop Anna from being nervous and scared in what she was getting herself into. But she watched as the eggs began to crack and scales began to fall disintegrating.

As the eggs hatched and the shell fell away it revealed... three dragons. One was a dark black, the second was a golden color, and the last was a greenish color. Anna reached up a hand to her mouth to cover the gasp that escaped. She wanted to be quiet around the newly born dragons in front of her. But it was no use. All three of their heads turn to look at her, seeming to observe her.

Anna didn't know what to do. A sigh left her as she tried to think of what to do. The three dragons in that moment seemed to watch every move she made. A thought came to Anna's mind about them being animals. So she soon slowly reached a hand out and waited and watched. The first to walk to her was the black one. Waddling on his two back feet, his wings spread out he went to her hand and sniffed. And then he did something that shocked Anna.

He nudged his small head into her hand. Which led Ana to pet him. A giggle left her lips as the other two waddled over to her in the same manner. A laugh escaped Anna as she watched them. Leaning against the stonewall Anna allowed the three to crawl on her. Observing them she found that they were two males and one female. In which she began to name them. The black one who was a male she named Drake, then the green one who was the other male she named Tyson, and finally the beautiful golden one who was female she named Ember.

Anna was so happy in that moment that the smile upon her lips never left. Another giggle left her as Drake climbed on her shoulder and nuzzled his head against her check, which led Anna to do the same with a wide smile. While Ember and Tyson climbed into her lap. A sigh left Anna as she looked at three dragons that were perched on her.

Anna was clueless on what to do.

But a yawn soon left her lips as she saw the three settle down falling fast asleep in her arms and on her shoulder. The nervous and scared thoughts disappeared as she looked at the three creatures that were in her arms. She was in that moment filled with comfort and safety, the filling that had engulfed her from the first step she took in the cave.

Looking down at the two Ember and Tyson then over at Drake she smiles. A sighed left her lips as she leaned back against the stone wall. With her head against the wall she looked at the first flame that had dimmer but was still there. Anna soon smiled as her eyes fluttered shut. Laying down on the cold ground which was a contrast with her warm skin. Anna didn't have a worry at that moment. She was content and felt safe. Which led her to drift off to sleep with the three dragons that she had found and formed an unknown bond with.


A/n - Alright I was excited to write this the introduction of the little itty bitty baby dragons and the start of Anna's bond with them. Had a little trouble but got through it. Sorry for the last A/n I said it was about to go down. I should have said it's just the beginning the next chapter is where it's really about to go everywhere. That's all I'm saying lol. Other than that, hope you like if you want to check out my other fics and please don't be afraid to comment bye! 

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