Frost & Rosie Easter!

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Spring is in the air, and the Octonauts, Octo-Kidets, and the spouses were out in their Easter outfits, especially Rosie and Frost.

This will be the first time that Frost and Rosie will be doing an Easter egg hunt by themselves and they are so excited about it.

Capt. Barnacles: Okay, Frost, Rosie. You two are now big enough to go easter egg hunting with the other Octo-Kidets.

Shellington: But remember, let everyone find an egg too, don't take all of them, alright?

Rosie: Okay

Frost: We will...

The two toddlers ran out to the field where the adults hide the eggs, Rosie had her purple easter egg basket, and she was looking very carefully at where the eggs are. Forst was helping her to find the eggs, and so far they'd found some, but since the Octo-Kidets were bigger than them, they were finding the eggs faster than them.

AJ and Junior noticed and went over and handed them one of their eggs, it made them feel a little better, but still, they wish they would be bigger and faster so they could find eggs easier.

After finding all the eggs, all of the kids went to the picnic table where the Vegimal set up not too long ago, they dump all the eggs onto the table and started to open them, they got candy and toys.

Frost and Rosie were trying to get onto the seat, but they were still too small to get onto it, instead of fussing about it, they both went to their dads. Capt. Barnacles and Shellington saw that they looked upset, they got down to their toddler's eye level to see what was wrong.

Shellington: What's wrong?

Frost and Rosie hugged their dads as they tried their best not to cry in front of everyone,

Rosie: You said that we're big enough to go easter egg hunting, but me and Fwost are too small to sit at the picnic.

Frost: Yea...Everyone is too big and we're too small!

The two dads look at each other and then look at their toddlers, Peso went over to see what was going on and joins Shellington and Barnacles,

Capt. Barnacles: You know, we know someone who had the same thing happened to him.

Frost&Rosie: Who?

Capt. Barnacles&Shellington: Peso.

Rosie: weally!

Peso: Yes. When I was a little chick, I thought I was too small to seating up with my older siblings. And I thought I didn't need any help but after my mother taught me how to use my big kid voice and ask for help, I stop thinking that I'm too small.

Frost: Whath's a Big Kid voiceth?

Peso: A Big Kid Voice is where you speak up and let other kids know that you need help. And it's always important to ask.

Shellington: Come on! Let's hear your Big Kids' Voices.

Rosie and Frost got a little nervous and tried their big kid voice, but it wasn't loud enough,

Frost&Rosie: *Softly* Excuse me...We need help...

Capt. Barnacles: Come on, a little louder,

They did it a little louder

Frost&Rosie: *Little Louder* Excuse me...We need help...

Shellington: Louder.

They did it a louder but at a normal range

Frost&Rosie: Excuse me, We need help!

Shellington: There ya go, easy isn't it?

Frost and Rosie felt a lot better and hugged and thank their dads and Peso and then ran back to the other Octo-Kidets and asked them for help in their Big Kid Voice and they helped them, Rosie and Forst switch candies and ate them as they hugged each other.

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