Beginning Of A Book

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A/N: Hi everyone! I was going through some old things today when I found a page of a story which I never really started and just wrote down on a scrap of paper. I decided to publish it on here to see if anyone wants to help me write it. 

Enjoy and comment ideas for a plot!

She stops. The whole building shakes and sways in the wind. There it is. That scream. Earsplitting, gut wrenching, heart pounding scream. The sound was horrifying. She sprinted up the stairs, ignoring the heartless, cackling laugh coming from the room in front of her.

"Crucio!" A voice cried from inside- it was a familiar voice, a voice that most of the wizarding community had been brought up fearing. The lifeless, unmoving body of a stag lay not far behind her. Hearing more screams, she clung to her wand even tighter and took a deep breath...

She opened the door.

She stepped inside.

She gasped.

The scene inside made her heart skip a beat. A dark cloaked figure was aiming his wand at a red haired, emerald eyed yound woman.

"Avada Kedavra!" He cried at the top of his voice.

So Narcissa Malfoy did the only thing that she could think of doing. She ran infant of the crying girl who- as Narcissa only just realised- was cradling a small raven haired infant in her arms with eyes identical to his mother's. Narcissa aimed her wand at the pathetic excuse of a man and yelled,


And that is all I wrote. I wrote this years ago so I don't remember where it was going and I haven't edited it at all so sorry about the bad writing. If anyone has any ideas then comment them and i will reply!



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