part 1

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Seungmin peacefully until his alarm started blaring. He groggily reached over to turn it off, but as he did, he caught a glimpse of his phone screen. There was a message from Felix his best friend.


Lixie:hey minie me and han are waiting for at the cafe so Come quickly

Seungmin quickly shook off the remnants of sleep, his earlier emotions momentarily pushed aside by the excitement of meeting his friends. He replied to Felix with a quick text:

Seungmin: On my way! Be there in 15 minutes.

Seungmin hurriedly got ready, grabbed his backpack, and rushed out the door. The cafe was a familiar spot where they often gathered, and the prospect of spending time with Felix and Han helped lift his spirits. As he made his way to the cafe, Seungmin couldn't help but think about how much he valued his current friendships.

When he arrived, he spotted Felix and Han at their usual corner table, chatting animatedly. Felix's bright smile greeted him as he approached, and Han waved enthusiastically. Seungmin couldn't help but reciprocate the smiles, grateful for the friends who had become his pillars of support.

Felix: Took you long enough, Minie! We were about to send out a search party.

Seungmin: Sorry, sorry. Overslept a bit. What's the plan for today?

Han: Nothing much, just catching up and enjoying some good coffee.

As Seungmin settled into the familiar ambiance of the cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of conversations surrounded them. Felix, with a playful grin, continued the banter.

Felix: Seriously, Minie, you need a louder alarm or better time management.

Seungmin laughed, appreciating the light-hearted teasing. "I'll work on it, I promise. So, what's the latest gossip, guys?"

Han, always the storyteller, leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Han: Oh, you won't believe what happened last night at the karaoke bar.

As they shared stories, laughter echoed through the cozy space. It was in these simple moments that Seungmin found solace and joy. The bonds of friendship, forged through shared experiences and genuine connection, strengthened with each passing day

Amidst the chatter and laughter, Seungmin couldn't help but feel grateful for the people who made his life brighter. The cafe, once again, became a backdrop for the creation of cherished memories, reminding him that the beauty of friendship lay in these unscripted, ordinary moments.

Seungmin chuckled, realizing his oversight.

Seungmin: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that my childhood best friend is in town. I wanted you guys to meet him.

Felix, with a playful smirk: So, we're not your best friends?

Seungmin, grinning: No, of course, you guys are, but you know what I mean. I've known him for a long time.

Felix, teasingly: I'm just joking. I know what you mean.

The lighthearted exchange added a touch of humor to their conversation, reinforcing the easy camaraderie that defined their friendship.

As the trio continued to enjoy their time at the cafe, Seungmin couldn't contain his excitement about introducing his childhood friend.

Seungmin: By the way, you guys are going to love meeting my childhood buddy. He's been like a brother to me.

Felix and Han exchanged curious glances, eager to learn more about this mysterious friend.

Felix: Well, spill the beans, Minie. Who's this long-lost brother of yours?

Seungmin grinned, savoring the suspense.

Seungmin: You'll find out soon enough. He's got quite the personality. Get ready for some interesting stories.

With that, the anticipation hung in the air as they continued chatting, looking forward to the arrival of Seungmin's childhood friend and the new stories and adventures he would bring into their circle.

I wonder who his childhood best friend? Keep reading to find out Who it is

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