Chapter 2 - Forget Everything You Think You Know

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- (Y/n)'s POV -

A few days had passed, almost a week and you had grown bored in the temple. The Ancient One had excused you of your duties for the day, reasons unknown, but she had also excused Mordo of his. Having already sparred for a few hours this morning, you both decided to leave the temple and take a walk outside.

You rarely ever left the temple. The Ancient One grew protective over you - not like a mother but like an aunt or older sister - which is why you found it so strange that your day was empty when she usually kept you busy.

You and Mordo were still in your robes, his dark green and yours (y/f/c), hoods up and, if necessary, ready for a fight - you could never be too prepared. Especially since you rarely left the temple. And on the occasions that you did, you always found trouble.

After some walking, you saw a group of thugs. Thieves? You didn't know what they preferred, but you knew you hated them. Those few occasions you previously found trouble were seeing people abused, hurt, and scammed, by people just like this. You saw them move through the streets, determination in their eyes, and the fear they breathed in from everyone they passed. Following their gaze, you saw a man, untidy and exhausted, asking for directions.

A backpacker, must be.

It was quite common to see foreigners like this considering you lived near one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. BUt then you heard the words 'Kamar-Taj' leave his mouth.

You slipped away from Mordo, who was in mid-conversation with some pedestrians chatting about something. You weren't quite sure. You had a habit of getting distracted easily and for a good reason. You liked to remain alert. You watched this man turn down an alley, and this group of thugs followed, certain they were moving to rob this tourist.

"Guys, I... I don't have any money." You heard him say, clearly nervous.

"Your watch." one of the thugs replied.

You felt your blood boil. Why these people could never leave others alone was something you would never understand.

"No, please. It's all I have left." He replied.

You felt your heart ache a little. You didn't know if it was true, or he was just saying it to get these thugs off his back, but you thought back to your necklace - which now rested upon your neck perfectly.

"Your watch." They started moving in.

'Must be a fancy watch' you thought as you looked around the corner to see the tourist swing a bandaged hand towards one of the men, hurting himself in the process and giving the thugs time to move in.

Oh boy, always finding trouble.

As they started kicking and punching this poor man to the ground, you moved around the corner to start dealing with these thugs, drawing attention away from the tourist.

You easily dodged their sub-par punches and kicks, and countered their attacks. Though you could tell they had the skill level of street rats, they kept power behind their throws. But then, an amused thought entered your mind...

Let's get them fighting each other.

So, after a smirk lined your lips, you started your plan. In between swings, you lined up your body causing their strikes to land on their ally whenever you stepped aside or ducked. Your hand movements were swift and your feet danced on air as you moved through the fight. Your ease in combat as well as the mental turmoil you created gave you the upper hand. That was until the last thug came up behind you and swung right at your face.

Kind of deserved that for being too cocky.

Quickly, you swung your leg and swiped his from under him before checking they were all unconscious. Once you were satisfied with the scene, you walked closer to the tourist who was still lying on the floor.

Then you saw it, the precious watch on the floor, broken. You picked it up and passed it back to the man after offering him your gloved hand to stand up. He looked quite shocked with how you handled the group but also thankful that he was alive and not too badly beaten up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't return it to you in one piece." You said to him as you removed your hood.

He looked at his watch and sighed, until he looked up at you and, well, wasn't expecting that. He didn't know what he was supposed to be expecting, but it wasn't you. At that moment, Mordo found you.

"Can you ever not find something to jump at?" He asked, annoyed, staring at the passed-out men behind you.

"He's looking for Kamar-Taj." You said with a smirk.

You then glanced back at the man who looked between you and Mordo curiously before following you both out of the alley.


After some time, you both stopped in front of an old wooden door, gesturing for him to go inside.

"Really? Are you sure you got the right place? That one looks a little more... Kamar Taj-y." He said, pointing to a different temple.

'Wow' you thought.

You saw the look on Mordo's face and you both tried to hold back a laugh in disbelief. The arrogance of this man was astounding. Instead, you entered first, followed by Mordo and then the man, who was reluctant but ultimately didn't want to be left alone outside.

As you all walked through the temple to find The Ancient One, there was a comfortable silence, at least between you and Mordo. However, Mordo was quick in noticing how uncomfortable the tourist was.

"I once stood in your place. And, I, too, was... disrespectful. So might I offer you some advice?" Mordo spoke to him, "Forget everything you think you know."

"Uh... alright."

You and Mordo couldn't help but smirk at each other. This was going to be interesting. Though you and Mordo didn't usually bake or sing with each other, you had both grown so close you felt as though you could sometimes read each other's thoughts.

Here we go. 

This one was slightly shorter. I'm having to cut some of these chapters in half. I'm now realising that I write sooooo much more than I had intended - oops.

Hope this was good, again let me know if you have any ideas on the plot.

Until next time <3

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