Who did this to you?

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The classic "Who did this to you?" Trope KLAROLINE version

you're welcome, i hope it's good

TW SA mentions-damon bashing, violence- klausy things, tyler bashing, slight elena bashing you guys know the drill,


Nothing was going to plan. 

Of course, that's because it was Damon's plan and NONE of Damon's plans ever worked out in the past. But when Caroline brought that up, she was ignored. 

The plan was once more- to kill Klaus. 

An elaborate plan, basically designed to fail. Caroline did not want any part in it, but when she mentioned that to Tyler, he kicked her out of his house. 

He'd been furious. Absolutely furious. 


"Tyler, I can see that. I just don't want to get caught up in the crossfire AGAIN. Can't you understand that?"

"Get out." 

"Tyler please-"


Caroline walked a tiny bit closer to him. She didn't want to leave with him being this angry with her. 

"Tyler, I-" 

He moved so fast; he was nothing but a blur. 


And then his claws were out and slashed through the neck of her sweater and into her shoulder. Caroline cried out in pain. 

"Oh no! Caroline! No no no! I didn't mean to! No!!" 

Caroline blacked out. Something she didn't realize she could do as a vampire unless she was dead. 

When she awoke, she was in the school. 

How did she get her? She could hear a familiar voice. Vervain was soaked into her skin and the restraints around her wrists and mouth. 

A hand grabbed her face and lifted it up. 

Dad? Why was her dad here? Torturing her? 

He was on the phone. Tyler was in the corner. He was seated in a chair. Unharmed. 

Maybe, Bill was hurting her because he wanted Tyler. Tyler hadn't left because he was worried about her. 


But her shoulder hurt, and how would she have gotten here? How long had it been? 

Tyler glanced at her and quickly looked away when he saw her looking at him. 


He'd brought her here. 

She looked back at Bill just as he sprayed vervain water from a spray bottle directly into her eyes. 

She screamed. With every breath, she inhaled it. With every blink the pain in her eyes got worse.

How could Tyler let him do this? 

When she was able to open her eyes again, Tyler was gone. 

"Well, Elena is on her way. You'll be good practice for her."

Bill said gleefully. 

He rotated the nozzle on the spray bottle. Changing it from a mist to a stream and back to a mist again. He sprayed her every time he changed it. 

"I would say I'm sorry about your mom, but I don't particularly care enough, everyone is going to turn on her when they find out she's a vampire sympathizer." Caroline jerked. Her fangs coming out. 

Bill grinned. 

Caroline couldn't remember what happened between then and now. 

All she remembered was Elena telling her to run. 

So, she did. 

She ran out the school building and into the woods. She fell quite a few times. 

Caroline was going to go home, but she couldn't see or hear anything. All of her senses were clouded with vervain and lack of blood meant she couldn't heal.

Where were the Salvatores? Surely, they would have come for Elena. Why hadn't Stefan or Bonnie shown up to help her? Or Matt or Jeremy? She wasn't feeling particularly picky at the moment, she'd take Damon. 

Where was anyone? 

Caroline didn't know where she was, for all she knew Alaric could be watching her right now. 

She ran. 

And ran and ran. 

She still couldn't see, but she could hear just a little bit. 

Muffled voices, calling her name. 

Caroline turned, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. 

And ran right into a person. 

It was obviously a woman; Caroline could feel their hair and jewelry. 

"I don't know where I am. I can't see." Caroline muttered desperately. 

"My god, you're a mess. What on earth happened to you? I suppose I won't just leave you here. Come along then."  The woman dragged Caroline away at vampire speed. 

"Nik! I've found your plaything!!" 


"Caroline? What-?"

"I can't see." 

"What happened to you? You've been missing for days; your friends said you were visiting with relatives out of town- Rebekah get some blood bags." 

"I can't see."

She could feel his hands holding her arms. Bill wouldn't dare hurt her now. 

"You'll heal soon once you get some blood in your system sweetheart, how long has it been since you've fed?"

"I don't know. I can't see Klaus." 

"You'll heal."

"I couldn't hear at first either. I can a little now."

"Come sit here." He pulled her to a different place in the room and she felt a soft cushion beneath her. A couch or chair. 

"Here Caroline." Rebekah returned with a couple of blood bags. 

She devoured them within seconds. 

"What day is it?"

"The 6th." 

Caroline frowned. 

"The 6th already passed. The last I remember it was the 29th."

"Caroline, it's the 6th of April, not March." 

Caroline frowned.


"Can someone call my mom?"

"I will." Rebekah sounded worried for once. That was nice.

There was a tense silence between Klaus and Caroline. She leaned forward and put her head on his shoulder. 

She was so tired. 

"Caroline, who did this to you?" 

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