New Closet Space 02

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Hayley grew fond of the blonde vampire. It took some getting used to, but Klaus was much more tolerable when Caroline was around. Plus, it was nice to have another girl in the family. 

If Hayley needed something done, Klaus would put it off until the very last minute, but if Caroline asked it was done instantly. She liked that. Caroline, Hayley, Rebekah, Freya, and Davina banded together to get things done. 

Everything was going well. 

"KLAUS!" A familiar and non-familiar voice yelled. It echoed throughout the compound.

Hayley cringed. 


Caroline arrived first. 

"Who are you?" Cami asked confused. 

"My sister-in-law." Kol said with a cheeky grin. 

Caroline flushed. 

"Be quiet Kol."

"I'm Caroline, its nice to meet you uhm-?"

"Cami. Is Klaus here?"

Uhm, yes? He's in our room. He probably didn't hear- we had to soundproof it."

"Thats an understatement." Kol snickered; Davina smacked his shoulder. 

Cami raised an eyebrow. 

"Our? You and Klaus?"

Caroline blushed again. 

"We're old friends-"

"Oh, well you wouldn't be the first delusional ex to come and try to get a taste of him now. You'll get booted sooner or later so I wouldn't hold your breath." 

Kol's jaw dropped. Davina pushed it shut. 

"Might be time to get your brother." She whispered to him. 

"Ha, no way am I missing this." He whispered back.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, can you get Klaus or not? We're supposed to go out."

"Yeah sure, follow me. he's upstairs. He might not be feeling up to it though, He's quite exhausted, if you know what I mean." Caroline winked and Cami scrunched up her nose. 

they arrived at Klaus' door and Caroline began to open it. Cami's eyes went wide, and she grabbed Caroline's arm.

"Are you crazy? You're not allowed in his room, no one is."

"Suit yourself." Caroline wrenched her arm out of Cami's grip and walked into Klaus' room, she slammed the door in Cami's face. 

Cami stared at the door, dumbfounded. 

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