New Closet Space 01

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"I've read many stories where Caroline turns up at Klaus's door — she's worried, unsure whether he still wants her, whether he's still waiting.

I want to read one where she goes to him, not a century later (maybe a decade?). And she doesn't knock on his door, wait with baited breath fearful and apprehensive - but walks in like she owns the place (which she does) and reorganizes his closet because her clothes need more space.

And everyone is scared and worried that she's another one of his crazy exes but Klaus simply shrugs and asks her if he should knock the next room down to turn it into a walk-in closet because this one doesn't have enough space for her shoes. I would LOVE some bashing in there (Cami, Hayley, Aurora - any, all - I'm not picky)." 

Inspired by riyap279 on tumblr 



The compound had been quiet for a month.

it had been a peaceful month, no threats- just bliss.

Hayley watched her daughter get older and watched Klaus' fondness for Hope overflow.

Jackson was dead, that was a wound that could never heal all the way, but Elijah was here. He was here and he loves her. Oh how he loves her.

They all went out to lunch. They needed that, a family outing. A normal family outing.

When they returned, all of the originals immediately stiffened.

"Someone is here." Kol said quietly.

Hayley held on to Hope tighter. Only Klaus didn't seem worried. He walked up the stairs calmly.

"Klaus! Now is not the time for calmness! This person could be a danger to Hope!" Freya whispered in a panic.

"Relax dear sister, I'm certain everything will be okay."

They could hear the sounds of movement.

It almost sounded like... someone was rearranging?

But of course that was impossible.

Freya had cast a simple spell that told her what room this person was in.

"Klaus, they're in your room."

Klaus walked around the corridor. His door was slightly ajar.

Hayley made Rebekah hide Hope before they went upstairs.

She was ready to fight, to defend her family.

Klaus walked in his room with ease.

Out of all his family, only Hope had entered his room. Hayley was surprised out how calm he was.

"Hello love" Klaus said gently. Standing in front of his small walk-in closet.

His clothes were strewn over the bed, suitcases were open on the floor. A floral scent was mixing with his.

"There's not enough space for all my shoes." A feminine voice said. It sounded familiar, but Hayley couldn't quite place it.

"The next room over is empty, shall I extend the closet space into there?"

"That sounds perfect!" A head full of blonde curls leaned out of the closet and pecked Klaus on the cheek. She started to pull away, but Klaus grabbed her waist and pulled her face to his. Kissing her. She giggled.

Elijah startled.

Hayley blinked.


"What is this brother?" Freya asked in utter confusion.

"This is Caroline. She'll be staying with us from now on."


"What?" Kol blinked.

"You knew that Ms. Forbes would be arriving today?"

"How did she get past my wards?"

"I mixed her blood with mine when I gave it to you to add to the blood wards."

"You added her into the blood wards?" Kol's jaw dropped.


Caroline flushed.

"Wait, is she a crazy ex or not? Because I'm confused." Davina said.

"She's not crazy" Caroline provided.

"And not an ex." Klaus said firmly.

"She was his obsession in Mystic Falls. The last I knew; she rejected him at every opportunity. It was fantastic." Kol said with a laugh and plopped down on Klaus' bed.

"Please Kol, we both know that I'd be here eventually." Caroline laughed.

"I cannot wait to gang up on Nik with you!" Kol grinned.

Klaus threw a knife at him, barely missing.


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