Chapter 4: My husband

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I've never asked money from Soobin before, and the credit card he handed me a few minutes ago while I was out of my mind was crazy shit. A black card, it was a BLACK card. I'd spend it on so many things and stay at the mall 'till it closed if it weren't for my parents sudden visit for dinner. I'll spend his money another time, for now I have duties to accomplish.

I enter the house, my arms full of paper bags filled with groceries I picked up from the market. Only the best of the best. I might hate them but I hate their scolding more over how ridiculously cooked the food is. I place them on the kitchen counter, going through all of them to see if I already completed the ingredients for the food I'm cooking for them.

"Shrimp, beef, chicken.. perfect." I immediately washed my hands, then placed all of the ingredients on the counter, scattered as I start washing them one by one.

"What are you doing?" I looked up, to see that Soobin was still naked. He was walking toward me with a raised eyebrow as he scans everything that I bought. I aggressively shaked my head hard once as I tried to pry my eyes off of him and continue on with what I was doing.

"Did you actually go out to buy all the things we so happened to have right in the fridge?" I feel hot as fuck, my face feels like its burning. Curse that stupid cologne he's using, it's so strong and manly. I hope I'm not obvious, because he's fucking distracting.

"My mom doesn't like a few days old groceries." I started chopping the garlic, my mind going to random places. My hands are shaking, I think I'm doing horrible. Its this guy's fault, I'd tell him to put on a shirt but even my voice feels shaky at the moment. He might feed his own ego if he notices that I'm trembling. Fuck this fetish for pretty bodies.

"Maybe if you were home yesterday you'd know that they're barely a day old." He finally walks away from me, I sigh a breath I didn't know I was holding. I continued what I was doing, except I didn't know what I was doing. My body is on autopilot at the moment, just doing what I needed to do while my brain was thinking of something else.

That body though, if I bump into it would I fly away?


"I already bought it, what's the difference?" I opened the pots I didn't know already was there, I accidentally placed the beef in the boiler. I groaned annoyed, I just have to make beef stew then. I got even more embarrased when I noticed him from my peripheral vision staring at me, with that abs too, it made me giggle out of control. I must look ridiculous right now, I want to just crawl in a hole and bury myself alive.

He had watched me cook for the next 25 minutes, he had been watching me like a hawk while I kept making random mistakes. Like SERIOUSLY, I accidentally placed chicken in the casserole, it was supposed to be shrimp casserole fuck. I keep mixing up all of the recipies, and the only thing I could do is smile in embarrasment and giggle over nothing. Wait it isn't nothing, I'm thinking about that body. And that smell.

I hate you so much Choi Soobin, why are you making me like this?

"Soobin come here." I want you to punch me in the face, I want you to strangle me, I want you to carry me over your wide shoulders and see your ass flex---

"It's good, really good." He nods to me about something I don't even know I was doing. I looked up, realizing I just made him taste a soup I don't even know I was making. And when I looked at it I was like--- what-the-fuck-is-this-shit-it-looks-like-puke. I didn't said it out loud but it looked traumatizing enough to snap me out of my Soobin trance. I stared at it wide eyed, not really remember when and how I made this.

"Oh." I dropped the spoon in the soup as I smell the caserole in the oven burning. I was finally back in my senses, placing gloves on my hands and opening the oven. I coughed a little too loudly for the clout and grabbed the casserole, dropping it loudly on the counter it would've break into pieces. I'm glad it didn't.

Bound By Duty (CHOI YEONJUN × CHOI SOOBIN FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now