Chaper Five | Arturo

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She was out cold for less than five seconds. I've monitored enough humans before to know that isn't dangerous, especially after a shock like this one. Removing a bandage or inserting a needle is well documented to cause fainting. Even the humans know this.

I've plied her full of juice and replaced her bandage. She didn't even need stitches. She'd told me she wasn't surprised it looked worse than it was because she's 'a bleeder.' Which until today I didn't know was a thing. I'll make a note to look into that classification.

The kitchen is smaller than my sleeping quarters at home, but I can't find anything the recipe says to find.

"Are you sure you don't want help?" Lidia calls out from the couch. "I do know how to make toast."

"You are not to stand up without assistance," I demand. "People who faint need to take extra care."

"Then come assist me," she says, pushing her reading glasses up her nose. "I won't feel any better if you don't let me eat."

"We were at dinner less than two hours ago." I point the strange wooden contraption with a rubber part on the end at her.

She stares at me, arms crossed against her chest. She doesn't say anything, but it's very effective.

"I know it was awful. I had hoped to take you to get some other nourishment but..." I don't know how much to say without shocking her.

"I was attacked by a mysterious creature we have no name for because we've been blaming you, the black cadejos, for their misdeeds?"

"Well, it definitely sounds awful when you allow it to be constructed in that way."

"It is what happened," she reminds me. "And I am hungry so before we get into my questions, I'd really like to eat."

"How many questions are we talking?"


I survey the drawer full of foreign utensils in front of me. "Fine. I'll come get you. But you'll sit on that chair and tell me what to do." I point at the barstool on the other side of the island.

"I will sit on that stool," she agrees, reaching her arms out.

In no time, I'm at her side, lifting her into my arms.

"Put me down," she demands. "You are here to help me walk, not take away my independence."

I put her down immediately and hold her to my side, shuffling across the floor with her until we reach the chair.

"Take this," she says, pushing the chair toward me.

"We agreed you would sit upon it."

"I did not agree upon where," she bites back. "Now take it or I will."

My hand snatches the chair from her with ease, dragging it across the floor as I guide her into the kitchen and set the chair down.

"There," she says, pointing at the stove. "I'll not be much use to you over here."

"You are supposed to be resting."

"I'll be sitting." She points to the chair like it has the ability to speak and prove her point.

"And I will be cooking," I swipe the large spoon-knife thing out of her hand and set it back down on the counter.

"What are you trying to make? You have special stuff you make back home?"

"What happened to no questions until after food?"

"You don't know what a spatula is and are trying to convince me I shouldn't be cooking. I'm hungry. I don't have time for experiments."

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