Chapter 4

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Cihan:I asked you something
Kiran:Am I answerable to you?
Cihan:Yes you are because you are my wife only my wife.
Kiran:Oh Wow now you remember that you have a wife who was waiting for you since 6 years but you you didn't even bother to call me once or not even a text.(screaming)
Cihan:It was because if I called you or talked to you I would miss you more (screams back)Don't you know can't you see that in my eyes that I love you I always crave for you and I was just waiting for this one day when I will come back only to see you but what you did you just looked at me and turned your back at me .
Kiran:(She was too stunned to speak)Uuu ii
Cihan:Nevermind you know I am actually not going to explain anything to you now get out(He said while pushing her to the door)
Kiran:But lis-
Cihan:GET OUT(Yells)
(And then she gets out,she then goes to her room still shocked about whatever happened earlier )
Kiran:(while pacing forth and back at her place) Uhh that was really unexpected I am sorry Cihan I didn't know that
(After 3 hours)
It was 3:00 clock and Kiran was still restless about whatever happened earlier she then decided to check on Cihan if he is okay)
Kiran's pov:
I moved out from my room and went in the direction of his room,not so far away.When I reached there I hesitantly opened the door but heard a faint growl.
Kiran:Cihan(takes some steps Forward)
Cihan:Ahhh who is It?
Kiran:Cihan are you OK (and when she reached there she saw Cihan holding his head in his hands while lying down and his eyes closed tightly)
Third person's pov:
Kiran puts her hand on his head after removing his one hand,but she gets to know that he has a high fever.
Kiran:(gasps)what Cihan you are burning
Cihan:Get out I don't need anyone's help
Kiran:Shut up you have a fever
(She puts her hand forward and slightly massages his head)
Cihan felt peace bcz of the massage and slowly he was getting peace but the temperature he had was disturbing him
Kiran:Wait here I'll be right back
Cihan:Stay like this plz
Kiran:Just a moment and I will be right back
(Then Kiran leaves and comeback with bowl of water in her hand)
She then takes her dupatta in her hand,dipped it in the cold water then puts it on his forehead to reduce his temperature.
Cihan slowly drifts off to sleep after getting relaxed.
Kiran also feels heavy weight on her eyes and she herself slept unknowingly.

Assalam-o-allaikum readers
Hey guys hope you all loved it !!
Please wait for sometime until I update the next part
Allah hafiz! have a good day

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