Chapter 3

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It had been an overwhelming day for Rain. Even with things going much better it didn't completely stop Rain's thoughts from being chaotic from time to time. There were just days when everything seemed too bright, where everyone seemed to be too loud, where even the feel of the air conditioning on his skin felt like too much.

It didn't help that Sky had stayed in their dorm today because of a migraine and even Phayu hadn't been there today, he and Pai had gone yesterday to see their father who was in town for business and hadn't returned yet.

By lunchtime Rain feels like if he doesn't get away from it all he is going to go insane.

That's why he finds himself following the little path behind the school that leads into the forest. Technically students aren't supposed to come this way; it isn't on school property and is considered out of bounds. Although Rain has a sneaking suspicion that some students use the forest as a make out spot on the weekends.

Today however it is quiet and peaceful just what Rain needs. Rain walks aimlessly for a while, daydreaming about a certain handsome tutor, until he is startled by a sound behind him. He looks back feeling like someone is there but there is nothing but forest. Looking around Rain realizes that he has wandered off the path and has no idea where he is. He is totally and completely lost.

Again that sound and that feeling of being followed. Rain looks behind him again and promptly trips over a tree root. He braces himself for a fall that doesn't come, instead he finds himself wrapped in a pair of strong arms.

Rain looks up into the face that he has just been daydreaming about.

"How did you get here?" Rain asks.

"I was just taking a walk and happened across a cute boy." Phayu grins at the look of confusion on the said cute boy's face. In fact he has been following Rain since he first entered the forest. When Rain texted them earlier saying that Sky had a migraine, Pai had insisted on coming back right away much to their father's and Phayu's amusement. Still Phayu had wanted to come back as well, he had sensed something off in Rain's short text and wanted to check on his sweet boy too. Pakin had sent them on their way with his blessing. He just told them that he wanted to meet the cute boys that had stolen his sons' hearts from him and gave them a teasing smile.

Back at the school, Pai immediately headed towards the dorms to check on Sky, while Phayu had spotted a familiar looking boy heading into the forest for some reason when he should be having lunch and getting ready for afternoon classes. Phayu follows Rain for a good while to see where he is going but the boy doesn't seem to have any particular destination in mind. Just seems to be wandering lost in his own thoughts.

Phayu steadies Rain on his feet, "What are *you* doing here, Rain. Don't you have afternoon classes?"

Rain looks a little guilty at this, "I just couldn't, everything was too much today. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for, it's important that you take time for yourself as well. Still though, coming this deep in the forest by yourself can be dangerous." Phayu says.

"I'm not lost," Rain says indignantly.

Phayu laughs, "I didn't say you were, but even if you were I can easily lead you out. Want to leave now? If not, it's a nice day and I know a really beautiful spot I can show you." 

"Can you? I'm not ready to go back yet." Rain says. At this moment he wants nothing more than to stay here in the forest with Phayu where it's so quiet and peaceful.

Pai tries the knob when no one answers his soft knock. If it's locked he's prepared to go down and charm the extra key out of the dorm manager, Joy, but the knob turns easily. His frown deepens as he sees Sky curled up on the bed with both hands pressed against his left temple. Right Rain had said migraine and this one looks like it might be a bad one.

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