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Imogen Heaney and Kira Xu were in, how you say... , the honeymoon phase.

Neither of them had put a label on their relationship, and it seemed that neither of them cared whether they did or not as long as the other was close by, literally or figuratively. It was puppy love, plain and simple. They both wanted to keep it a secret for the time-being.

But fuck, it took Imogen every ounce of strength within her to not pull Kira into an empty ICT lab or any empty room whenever they'd walk beside each other in the hallways. They mainly kept to themselves at school, with their own groups. That didn't stop the stares, the notes that they'd leave in the other's backpack or blazer pocket, and the occasional brush of the hand. For the past few weeks (time, what is time?), they've been seeing each other after school, either at each other's houses or a park. Kira Xu was just so unbearably irresistible to her.

Let's jump forward into the present moment, shall we? It was the after school on a Thursday before Friday's Spring Concert, where Truham and Higgs' school bands would be playing together. Kira mainly helped out with the equipment and stuff so she was able to skip the entire day at Truham whilst the band practiced. She and Imogen took the bus to a nearby but fairly secluded park, which had a playground.

Imogen laughed as Kira made a dash for the monkey bars, climbing up the play set and holding onto the bars. "You're such a dork, have I ever told you that?" The Heaney girl said once she was close enough.

Kira had managed to climb on the outside of the bars and was now hanging upside down with a grin, "Yes, several times, I recall." Her glasses had begun to slip again, but Imogen was quick to reach forward and catch them before they fell to the ground. "Thanks, Im."

"Can't have you going home blind," Imogen gave them a quick wipe with the sleeve of her blazer, carefully putting them back onto Kira. Her fingertips brushed the skin of her cheeks, and thanks to the one working lamp post near the playground, Imogen watched Kira blush, the girl hurriedly covering her face. "Hey," she whined. "Don't do that, you look cute."

"Eeugh," Kira shuddered, shaking her head defiantly. "Don't call me that."

"What, cute?"

"Yes, we're Year 11's, not Year 5's," Kira said in a whiny tone, making Imogen laugh and move a smidge closer towards her. They stared at each other for a moment before Kira broke the silence. "Have you seen any Spiderman movies?"

"I've seen one."

"Which one?"

"The Sony ones," Imogen said as she cupped Kira's face. "I do understand some of your references, love." 

Kira chuckled breathlessly, "You never fail to surprise me." She smiled as an idea popped up in her head and she gently reached for Imogen's tie, pulling her closer. Imogen's breath hitched and when their lips met, she held her like she might disappear. 

"I have something to ask you," Imogen smiled against Kira's lips as they pulled away for air. 

"Hold on, let me be the right way up," Kira pulled back, gently pulling herself up before hoisting herself down to stand in front of Imogen. "Yeah?"

"Would you like to grab some shakes with me tomorrow before the concert?" Imogen asked with a smile as she fixed Kira's collar.

"Of course," Kira nodded, holding up her pinky finger. "So it's a date?"

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