Cooking lesson ❤️💛🤍

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You were cooking your breakfast today. Doing a little dance since your listening to some music. It's really boring when your cooking without some music in the background. but the bad side about it is that you always burn your food when a good music comes up.. and for reasons..

Of course you tried your best to focus on your breakfast but your favorite music comes up and you immediately started stimming and dancing, forgetting the whole breakfast thing. Dancing like you were at a party with Wally and the others. Dancing in your silly pajamas although it would have been nice to dance with Wally in your dress.. wait what are you even thinking?!

You then smell something burning. "OH- I FORGOT ABOUT MY- AAA" You immediately went back to the kitchen and stop all your cooking. You see a little fire on your eggs. You panicked a bit then grabbed the pan to the sink and put water on it. You see the fire going out. "phew.." you sighed in relief. But the sadness took over since you wasted your breakfast. You sighed. "I'll just eat a snack then..

After eating your snack, you went to your bedroom to change into your regular clothes. After changing you went outside, closed the door behind you and checked the mail. You see Wally doing the same thing in front of you. He spotted you. "Ah hello Y/n! how you feeling?" Wally said as he waved to you. You looked at him. "Fine I guess.." You said. "Y/n, I can tell by your tone something bad happened. Wanna explain?" He asked.

"I burnt my eggs because I was distracted." You admitted. "Oh my! are you hurt? or you ok? nothing serious happen to you right?" He asked. "Oh no I'm alright! I'm just sad I wasted my eggs.." you said. Wally felt bad for you. Then he thought of something.. a very good idea.. "Hey! how about this, we can both make a cake for you? you don't have to make those plain breakfast when you can have something sweet this morning!" he said.

You felt a little embarrassed. Cooking with Wally? Must be a dream. "Well.. I'm not quite sure.. but we can try!" You said. "Great! come on, let's go to the market place!" He said as he holds your hand and lead you to Howdy place's. You felt your cheeks heating up.

You both arrive at the store. Both of you enter as you felt the cooling breeze hit your skin. Howdy was in a middle of placing the apple's like a pyramid. He heard the bell ringing. He turns around to see you both in his store. "Wally! So nice to see you here again!" He noticed both of you holding hands. "Say, Wally finally has a Girl/Boyfriend." He said. Wally looked at his hand still holding yours, blinked, then looks back at howdy. "I was just showing them the market place." He immediately responded. You noticed a little blush on his cheek. How cute.

You tried your best to hide your blush as well as Wally. "Ahem.. Anyway, Howdy, we need some ingredients for a cake! do you have some?" Wally asked. "Well of course! And what flavor do you want it to be?" Howdy asked. Wally looks at you. "Well? Y/n? what flavor do you want it to be?" He asked. You try thinking of a good flavor. But then you remember Wally loves vanilla cake, maybe both of you can enjoy vanilla cake together. "I would like vanilla cake" You said. Wally smile grew wider.

He has stars in his eyes since he really loves vanilla cake. "Great choice Y/n!" Howdy said. He went to the back to grab the ingredients. Once he gotten them, he checked them to see if they're still good. "Oh and can I have an apple?" Wally asked. "Of course! youre lucky they just got here!" Howdy exclaim..

"alright! That would be $3.25 please!"



Your expression was filled with shocked. Howdy noticed it. "I'm guessing you never seen a store with an incredible price have you?" Howdy said. You shake your head slowly. "Well now you have" Howdy giggled. Wally payed for the ingredients. "Thank you Howdy, See you next time!" Wally waved goodbye. You also waved goodbye to howdy. He gave you a smile and continues his work.

Both of you left the store. "Now that we have the ingredients, Let make one!" Wally said with excitement.  Your face lit up. "Yes!!" You yelled happily. Wally chuckles at your excitement. It made him even more happy to see you happy.

He grabs your hand and leads the way to your house. After walking through the neighborhood, Wally goes to your home. The both of you open the door.  "Welcome home!" you say happily. Both of you headed to the kitchen. "I'll prepare the ingredients as you do the cooking with me." Wally suggested.  You smiled brightly at this idea. You agreed. "Sounds good!"

You first prepared the pan. Preheating as you say. Wally added 5 eggs and started steering. You then added 2 cups of granulated sugar and steer again. Wally saw your struggle at steering and hold your hands to guide you. "Like this." He guided you into steering it smooth and steady. You started blushing but tried your best to not show it.

He added 1 cup of vegetable oil. You grabbed another bowl. Sift 480 grans of plain of flour and added a table spoon of baking powder. Wally measure 1 and half cup of milk. He alternate the flour and milk, then repeat.

You add 1 table spoon of vanilla extract. Then put it in the fridge for 20 minutes. While that was doing You line your cake pan with vegetables oil. Wally grabbed the bowl and distribute the batter. You put it in the oven at 165c for 40-50 minutes.

During this time Wally  helped You clean up the kitchen. It seemed it was pretty dirty. When you finished, you both decided to relax before the cake gets ready. "Hey y/n I was wondering.. how did your breakfast get ruined in the first place?" Wally asked. You looked at him then look down, embarrassed. "I was.. dancing.." You admitted. Wally looked at you, then stand up. He then spotted your radio. He turned it up and play a smooth jazz. He then turned his body to yours.

You were confused by his action the slowly realized. "Come here Y/n" he says. His hand reaches out for yours. You reach towards his hand with your free hand. He interlocks your fingers with his and pulls you in, so close you two almost touching. As you two do the distance dance.

You were struggling at first then understand the movements. "There you go y/n! you got it!" Wally said happily. You started to smile and giggle. Your dancing with Wally! Wally pulled you closer until your bodies are barely touching. Your heart started racing. What are you doing!? You were trying to find an answer. You didn't know! All you knew is the warmth of Wally's chest, you could feel his heart beating. Your breathing became heavy. Wally looked down on you with a bright smile.. You wanted to ask what he's smiling at, but instead you closed your eyes, matching the different dances as you listen to the smooths jazz in the background.

The next thing you know, you two heard the oven beeping. "Ah.. the cake is done.." You said disappointed. You wish the dance lasted longer. You and Wally went to the kitchen and take out the cake pan to see a fluffy cake. "I guess its time to add the decorations." he said. He added the icing. As you watch him put the icing you were in deep thoughts, wondering why he was dancing with you. "And.. done! the cake is finish!" Wally said.

Both of you look at the cake. There were little red dots in the center of the cake. It had white snowflakes on top. "Oh my goodness.. it looks amazing!!" You said as you look over the cake and saw the little hearts on it. you smiled.
"Thanks! now let's eat!" He said as he grabb two plates and two forks. Both of you cut the cake and place it on the plate.

You took a bite out of it. You eyes widen as your face lit up. "ITS SO GOOD!!" You mumbled in your voice while eating.  You couldn't stop stuffing the rest of the food in your mouth.  Wally chuckled. "Awe make the most amazing cake, do we?" He asked. "Mhmm, yes This is the best cake ever!" You replied. He laughed happily hearing your response.

You both continued to eat each other cake and enjoyed watching each others' reaction to everything you taste. After you ate some of the cake, you both cleaned up after yourself. You both sat together in the living room after cleaning everything.

"Y/n follow me real quick." he said. You follow him outside. it was nightime. He took you to the park and lay down. you played down next to him. "Y/n I had such a fun day today.." Wally said looking up at the stars. You followed his gaze and saw the moon shining. You smiled, "Me too Wally" You turned to him. You saw him looking at you. He leans in a little and you lean forward.  Your faces were centimeters apart from each others. Then you felt Wally softly kiss your lips. The butterflies started to fly around in your stomach.

he let's go."Thank you Y/n for today." He said.  "Anytime Wally.. I enjoyed this day so much."

As both of you continues to look at the stars. Enjoying each other's presence.

Words 1653

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