should i continue?

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if you're new, hi! i used to write about baby versions of the dreamies a lot in my first book. though not many people chose to read it LMAO im okay😞 should i continue it?

to lessen the rjxdream things, please req more nomin, chenji, marhyuck, nahyuck, nohyuck and whatever you guys want me to write, i feel terrible for making rj a character too much and id like to try something new even though i know ill be bad at :')

(nahyuck is a personal fav i wrote about them once and i will write about them again)

even though i said i dont do wild smuts, id still take the ship you requested but since the last request was too erotic and wild for a family-friendly book i couldnt do it. writing wild ass smuts about characters who are inspired by the real people just make me feel so weird. in no way i would ever violate someones name like that😋

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