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I don't know how long I've been here, it could be hours or days and I wouldn't know. The last time I saw anyone was when Serial Killer brought me water, since then I've had two 5 minute microwaveable meals brought for me and water. But I don't know who brings them as the door is only slightly opened before the food gets slid in. Click. Click. More food? I could have sworn they brought some a couple of hours ago. Maybe I am losing a grip of reality - and time. The door opens and a man gets pushed. No. No. No. No.

Me "Tata?"

He's on the floor, his shirt is in tatters and is bloody. He looks like someone roughed him up a bit.

Me "Tata? Tata? Open your eyes! Ndiyakucela toho! Tata?!"

I'm screaming now before my medical training sets in. I check his pulse, faint but there nonetheless. I pour some of the water I had leftover in to his mouth and hope for the best. If this was a movie, who would have immediately woken up, sputtering the water but regardless of how it feels, this isn't a movie. There's a large patch of blood on his stomach and I unbutton his shirt trying to find the wound but there's nothing there. Sigh of relief. But who's blood is it and where is mom?



Bones "Everyone ready?"

All the guys grunt in agreement.

Bones "Good. Remember, shoot anything that moves but be careful we need to make sure all three of the subjects -"
Me "Stop calling them that, they have names"
Bones *sighs* "We need to make sure that Mrs Bhele and the Williams get out alive. And Mnqobi, him you should shoot to harm not kill."

More grunts of agreements. We'd finally been able to locate the number, very easily I must add. But that doesn't matter, we know where Ntandokazi is and that's all that matters.

Bones "You ready?"
Me "Yes"
Him "How many guns do you have on you?"
Me "This is not my first rodeo Bones, I have enough."
Bones "No! We need to be careful here, this is Mnqobi we are talking about. And it was too easy to locate him, which means he has something planned for us and-"
Me "Have some hope, ye with little faith"

I patted his shoulder before getting into the car. Bones' is right to be concerned but I can't focus on that right not when we are this close to victory.

Bones "We are here, sir"

I roll my eyes at the last part before looking out the window. Not really what I expected. We are surrounded by abandoned buildings, most of which are falling apart. All except one, it looks old but it is holding upright. We get out the car and immediately split into teams of 4. 2 to check the perimeter, 2 to take the inside. Bones and I join the interior team. There are footprints in the dust, someone has been here. Bones points out some blood splatters: we are in the right place.


I'm awoken by the sounds of guns. Oh fuck. Tata wakes up as well, getting up from my lap. We both stare at each other before we hug and I cry. He tries to comfort me but the sounds of guns outside make me cry more. When I think I'm okay we pull apart.

Me "What's happening tata? Where is ma?"
Him "Don't worry about your mom. Are you okay?"
Me "Yes. K'qhubeka ntoni tata, I'm scared"
Him "I know my baby, but we'll be okay. Trust me"

The door slams open, I didn't even hear the clicks, and Serial Killer comes in.

S.K "You. Sukuma"
Me "Why? Where am I going"
S.K "Can you for once just do what you're told"

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