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Oh! Sorry, you don't know the whole story now do you? Well long story short, my name is Ntandokazikayise Natasha Williams- Bhele I mean. I am 24 years old and I'm doing my final year in Medicine ewe a girl is educated. I'm an only child and as of yesterday I'm a wife. My father Edward Williams is old friends with the father of Gqeberha's 'most eligible bachelor', Thandolwethu Bhele. Bab'Bhele and my dad made a promise to each other that if one were to have a son and the other a daughter, their children would get married. Any who; hop, skip and a jump 30 years later they decide to fulfil their promise and I got married to successful business tycoon Thandolwethu Bhele. Mna andiyazi who still gets arranged to be married ngo2022.


I woke up the next morning and Thandolwethu was nowhere to be found thankfully so I had a quick shower before heading downstairs for breakfast where I found Thandolwethu drinking coffee while on his phone.

Me: "Molo"

I helped  myself to a muffin. Thandolwethu grumbled in response as he typed away furiously. After that he left for work and I was left alone. School is closed for recess so I have nothing to do. I decided to invite my best friend, Zama. We agreed on meeting up at Vovo Telo at 10am. It's currently 09am so I decided to get ready for that. After I got dressed in a long, grey polar neck body on dress that stopped above my knee, I brushed my weave and put on a little lipgloss. One thing about me, I'm a bit insecure about my body. I'm like thin, like super thin, I can't gain weight I've tried trust me. I have boobs the size of oranges, cut in half. My ass? Non-existent. But at least God was like, my child I'll deprive you of a great body but face? I shall give! My Kia was here thankfully but it looked so small next to all the Mercedes' and Jaguars and the other cars that would probably pay my tuition fees. I listened to Jungle by Drake on repeat, because music is oxygen. Zama was already there when I arrived and stood up to hug me. We sat down and the waitress came over to give us our menus.

Zama: Yooh! Ayi sana you've only been married for 24 hours kwaye uyandikhumbula kakade
Me: Suthetha ububhanxa, bendizokukhumbulela ntoni?
Zama: Wehh, uyaxoka sana. But it's fine. Unjani umtshato?

Zama was that friend you could tell anything, she would probably give you her 2 cents but she would never judge.

Me: Yooh ayi sana! You won't believe ikaka endijongene nayo!

I told her the story about the rules thing and the waitress came to fetch our orders. We ordered pancakes and then some mimosas.

Zama: Tjo, mna I could fucking never!

Me: My issue is ewe, it's an arranged marriage but that doesn't mean we should hate each other!
Zama: But ilife ayiyonovel that you are always reading.
Me: I know that, but on the other occasions we met he was so nice to me. Wayethetha nam and I thought we would at least be friends.
Zama: Mna chomami, I don't know what you think should happen didn't you hate this arranged marriage thing a week ago?
Me: Yeka. Unjani umlungu wakho?

Zama was dating a white man named wait for it, Michael!

Zama: Suthetha nam ngaleso sisbanxa!
Me: *laughing* oheeeh. Wenze ntoni?
Zama: You know we have been abstaining for 3 months right? So finally we do it yesterday and yho that man ate me out! Like sana, but the fact that we had loadshedding was the pits though. Anyways I came like three times with his mouth. After that he puts on a condom and starts fingering me so I'm like no, I want the real deal and he's like it is the real deal! Yho sana I wanted to cry!

I'm laughing and I have tears coming out. She clicks her tongue and eats her food. We talk and eat and at some point decide to go get some shots. We order some Jager bombs and then more mimosas. At around 3 pm we decided it was time to leave. Zama owns a restaurant so her time is quite flexible.

Me: Are you good to drive?
Zama: Uh no, I'm wasted. Let's call Michael. We can get our cars later.

She called Michael while I settled the bill. Michael arrived in a whole Mercedes G Wagon! Yho ayi I should have found myself a white man with a small dick. I gave him my address and he drove to my house.

Zama: Child! Stay in this marriage! If you get to live in a castle like this?!

I laughed and got out of the car. I kissed Zama's cheek.

Me:Bye baby, thanks for the ride Mike!

He hates it when I call him that, so I do just to annoy him. I waved until the car disappeared and then got inside. The guards opened for me and I had to walk from the gate to the house, thank God I'm wearing sandals. I was sweating by the time I got to the house so I went straight I guess to the kitchen to get some water.

Me: Molweni

I greeted Samara and the other helper in the kitchen and they greeted me back. After gulping down some water I went up to the room. When I walked in Thandolwethu was there, not on his laptop this time. He was on the phone with his back to me so I just picked out some clothes and went in to the shower. When I was done and dressed in an oversized shirt and sweatpants I came back to find him on his laptop. Yho! I wish I could throw that thing out the window! I greeted him and he just stared at me.

Him: I want you to move out.

All because I had a couple of drinks?

Me: Of the house?
Him: Don't get too excited, out of the bedroom.
Me: Ohh. Where to?
Him: One of the guests rooms obviously, I don't expect you to be done today but I want you out by the end of week.

I just nodded and went to the closet. I hadn't really unpacked my things yet so I just repacked a couple of things and then went to look for Samara. I asked her to show me a guest room I could use and she showed me the one across from Thandolwethu's room.

Samara: Anything else ma'am?
Me: Yes, can you please call a staff meeting to for the kitchen staff please. I'll be down in 10 minutes.
Samara: Uhm yes ma'am

She looked a bit nervous before scurrying off. I just unpacked the things I really needed, I'll see to the rest tomorrow. I went down to the kitchen and found the staff already assembled in the kitchen. We greeted each other and passed niceties.

Me: Okay, to get straight to the point. Uhm, I would just like to make some slight changes to the house. Uhm I would like to prepare all the meals, if you don't mind. And also, I will clean my own room. I'm not really sure of what your arrangement with Thandolwethu is but I don't think it will affect your salary. We can start this from tomorrow. That's all, thank you.

I left afterwards and went back to my room and read a book. At around 7pm Samara knocked at my door and told me dinner was ready. After I was done eating, I brushed my teeth changed and went to bed.

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