Chapter Nine

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-Third Person-

Lorraine nearly screamed as she scrambled back under the table. From the view under the table, she saw the bottom of a dirty white nightgown, and cold grey, muddy legs. Lorraine began to panic, breathing in and out heavily as the body in front of her swayed a little. "Just calm down, Mom, just calm down." Amy said to her. Then, the sound of ropes squeaking, after which, the legs turned to face her. Slowly.

"RUN!" Amy screamed as Lorraine screamed as well in fear as they made a mad scramble from under the table, the legs following after her. They caught a glimpse of Bathsheba in the moonlight. They screamed. As both of them ran for the stairs leading out of the basement, a force grabbed the necklace Lorraine had been wearing, pulling her back and choking her. Lorraine fumbled with the clasp, unlatching it and running to the door, leaving the necklace floating on one of the dusty chairs.

He and his girl rushed to the basement door and pulled it open, finding his wife and son scrambling up the stairs. "I know what she did! I know what she did!" Lorraine called out as they ran into Ed's arms, Ed trying to calm his frantic wife. "It really did, Dad!" Amy yelled as Ed, Judy, Janice, Linda and Annabelle calm down to them.

"What?" Ed asked quickly.

"She possessed the mother to kill the child," Lorraine breathed out, Carolyn appearing in front of the clairvoyant. "She visits Carolyn every night! That's what the bruise marks are, she's feeding off of her!" Lorraine says, gesturing to the bruise marks on Carolyn's arms.

"You saw that too, Amy?" Annabelle asked as Amy nod.

Right as Lorraine finished, the crosses Ed and Amy had placed around the house began to shake, as though an invisible force was pushing it down with its will. The one behind Ed and Lorraine slammed down onto the shelf it was standing on. So was another in a different part of the house. One by one the crosses were either slammed down onto the surface or thrown off the shelves, scaring the family.

"Uh, Nancy?" Christine whispered, seeing a small lock of Nancy's hair floating from her shoulder. "Don't pull Nancy hair." Amy said as she know what he do. Nancy turned to look, only for her hair to be pulled forcefully, making her fly across the room, smashing into a glass pane. "Nancy!" Roger called out, sliding down onto his knees to try and grab Nancy. "Dad, help! Help me Dad!" Nancy cried out as she was once again grabbed by the hair and dragged a few feet away, Roger losing his grip on her.

Everyone in the house was screaming in panic as Ed rushed to Nancy, only for the spirit to drag her away again, like it was playing a game of tag. Roger and Ed had been holding on to Nancy, but even the weight of two grown men couldn't anchor the girl. The three ended up being dragged around the living room. Amy lunged for Nancy, grabbing the hair that was being pulled and saw the entity causing the trouble.

"LET HER GO DEMON!" Amy yelled forcefully, tugging at the hair the entity was holding. It howled, as if in pain before snarling at her, hitting her away from Nancy, Amy flying across the room. Lorraine came in, holding a pair of scissors that Drew used before and cutting the hair the entity was holding, freeing Nancy from its grasp. Nancy wailed in fear as Roger cradled her, checking her for any injuries. A faint 'Is she okay?' could be heard from Carolyn, but no one paid it any mind as they made sure all the girls were alright.

"Did you get that?" Ed asked quickly, looking at Drew who had been filming the entire thing. Drew nodded slowly but surely. The whole family sighed in relief. It was over. Now it was time for the Warrens to get those tapes to the church. But only in the morning. Ed immediately remembered his daughter had been flung aside and his eyes widened, scrambling to where he saw her land. Amy was sitting up, her hands holding her bodyweight. "I'm fine Dad. I'm pretty sure you should be worrying about me and Mom, considering she fell a whole storey and into the basement," Amy joked. Ed just sighed in relief and hugged his daughter, giving her a kiss on the forehead before turning to his wife, examining her injuries.

Morning had come quickly, and Roger didn't hesitate in taking his family away from the god-forsaken house. Slamming open the wire door, Nancy, who was clinging on to Roger went out of the house while Ed followed a few steps behind, holding some gear. "I'll have the footage developed and sent to Father Gordon. He's our liaison at the church. I imagine we'll get a pretty fast response," Ed explained. Once he set his things into the minivan, he turned to Roger who was placing his daughters into the car. "Listen, uh, Roger?"

Roger turned at the sound of his name. "Yes?"

"When we get the exorcist, we'll be back. But Lorraine, Amy and Judy..." Ed trailed off. He worried for his wife and daughter, considering she had found that Bathsheba had been killing children. She had been through a lot, and he had to take care of that first. "Yeah, I understand," Roger immediately said. Roger would have done the same if he were in Ed's shoes.

"Until then, Drew is gonna keep an eye on you," Amy assures, popping up from behind her father. No way in hell was Amy letting this family be alone without someone she trusts to keep them safe. "Hey, Ed thank you for everything," Roger says. "Thank you both for everything."

"Hey, you gonna be fine." Janice said then Amy nod.

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