37 | R E F L E C T I V E

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Fire in the heart sends smoke to the head

- African Proverb



"You're saying, you saw W'Kabi's... spirit?" Nakia questioned Mbali as they all stood around the large table, facing her as she leaned against it.

Their faces were mixed with confusion and disbelief. T'Challa stood with his fist against his mouth and a frown on his face, listening to Mbali clarify what she saw for the third time.

N'Jadaka stood next to her, keeping his hand around her waist to comfort her.

"I don't know if it was his spirit or what, but I know what I saw and it went into him." Mbali mumbled, keeping her eyes on the ground. She knew what she saw, but she had a feeling that others wouldn't believe her. "It was dark, like a shadow."

"Are you sure?" Ramonda asked her.

"Ramonda," Mbali looked up at her, "Why would I lie about something like this?" A frown came on her face. "If you don't believe me, check to see if there's any footage; but I have no reason to lie about what I saw!" Mbali's voice cracked.

"No one's saying you're lying, Mbali... we're just having a hard time understanding." Sanaa tried to soothe her friend, but there was no soothing Mbali right now.

"I believe her." Okoye nodded.

"Thank you, Okoye."

"I believe," M'Baku interjected, "That we've all had too much to drink tonight, and our judgement might be a little impaired. When have we ever known for black magic to be used in Wakanda? Sometimes our mind can alter our reality."

Mbali's face felt like it was on fire. Not from embarrasment, but from anger. "T'Challa? Do you believe me?"

He said nothing, but Mbali could see the wheels in his head turning. A scoff came from her lips while she pushed herself away from the table. "I am not drunk, I am not seeing things, and I'm not making things up." Her voice was hard, but a quiver in her tone said more than anything could. "Instead of questioning me, go see what the fuck is going on down there."

"Mbali—" N'Jadaka cut her off, trying to calm her.

"Uyandikholelwa, andithi?" You believe me, don't you? Mbali quickly turned to N'Jadaka. She looked into his eyes, searching for some type of comfort and reassurance. "Please, of all people; tell me that you believe me." She mumbled softly, only for them to hear. "I'm not making this up."

N'Jadaka shook his head, "I know you're not."

Mbali could hear the words coming from his mouth, but there was a sting in her chest when his eyes didn't match what he was saying to her, and he knew that she could feel it. N'Jadaka would never go against Mbali's word... but he was also in disbelief. He'd never heard of black magic in Wakanda— similar to M'Baku. N'Jadaka studied Wakanda for years, and even listened to his fathers stories. Never, was there any mention of black magic.

Mbali blinked twice and removed herself from N'Jadaka's soft grasp. He didn't feel anger coming from her, fear, or even uncertainty. It was hurt. "It was a nice evening." She cleared her throat and turned to everyone else. "I'll be going home." Mbali sighed, earning a few mumbles and sighs from everyone else. "Happy birthday, Erik."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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