34 | A R R I V A L S |PT.1|

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"When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow."

- Ethiopian Proverb



A melody of moans slipped from Mbali's mouth, while her left hand remained against the headboard, keeping her steady. Her nose gently brushed against Eriks, each time his skin hit against hers. Mbali's eyes started to flutter and her right hand started to slowly slip from Erik's bicep, before the depth of his voice broke through every thought she was trying to process. "So damn beautiful, you know that?" His hums turned into moans. Mbali could feel the heat spread to her face, and her response get caught in her throat when another thrust was sent into her.

Mbali's nails sank into Erik skin, making him hiss at the sensation. To match his response, Mbali pressed her lips against his, now cupping both sides of Erik's face.

They don't remember how they ended up in the situation that they were in, but Mbali didn't mind it– it was taking both of their minds off of the problems at hand for a few minutes. One minute, they were laying in bed, talking about the next few steps in this new 'lockdown' initiative, the next, they were in this position. Erik slowly put space between the two of them, resulting in Mbali's brow to furrow. Her frowning making her resemble a little kid all over again as she tried to pull him back into her. Grabbing both of her wrists in one of his, Erik pulled Mbali towards his lap. "Get on top."

Mbali took in Erik's appearance, making the sensation between her thighs ache even more. His skin was practically glowing– it wasn't glistening like you'd expect. He kept his locs in a bun on his head as it practically grew by the day. She could tell it was starting to frustrate him, but he wasn't ready to get them redone... and cutting them was out of the question. Mbali's hand went towards his chest, positioning herself on top of him before feeling him glide into her. Mbali's eyes closed instantly and she took a deep breath, adjusting to the new position. Placing kisses against her jaw, Erik began to groan at her taking him so easily. His hands went towards her waist, kissing between the valley of her breast each time their skin connected.

Typically, Erik didn't consider himself a 'gentle' lover– he didn't really consider himself a 'love maker' at all, until recently. He knew fucking was his specialty, but he enjoyed the look Mbali had in her eyes when they were genuinely having sex. It was fulfilling to Erik, but in a different way. It gave him a certain joy of knowing that only he could make her feel this specific way.

At times, they were verbal with each other, when it came to being intimate. However, Mbali enjoyed letting her thoughts be the most vocal at times. Some things she would think, but never actually say out loud– and it was something that actually turned Erik on. It was the fact that she would hold out on saying specific things, and keep them only between the both of them, when they reached their own peaks. Mbali's body rolled against Eriks, wanting to feel him against every part of her– her pants being the only sounds coming from her mouth, while her thoughts were loud.

"Fuck." She thought between the both of them, and a mouthful of other profanities and series of positions she wanted Erik to place her in... he wasted no time making them a reality.

Pushing him flat against the bed, Mbali trailed her lips against his neck gently, listening to the sound of his breath escape from his lips. "You look nervous." She teased.

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