Part 6 of ♥𝓜𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱 ♥

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Interviewer: and y/n what's your sign? Y/n: i am a cancer just like mason is

Miguel: and im a Pisces Maddie: and im a capicorn of course Mason: me and y/n casually twinning zodiac signs right now-laughs- Y/n: for reall Miguel:-laughs- Interviewer: you guys are a pretty cool group, and Madeline how did you feel about your little sister violet's early birthday gift Maddie: it was pretty cool and exciting to watch her open it and stuff Mason: then she went"its pretty like Maddie!" Miguel: yeah it was really cool-smles- Y/n: her rection was everything and when she said it was pretty like maddie it was just so cute Interviewer: i agree her reaction was pretty amazing Miguel: yeah it was really nice to see her enjoy her early birthday gift Y/n: mhm Maddie: yeah  Interviewer: madeline, and mason how did you guys feel when miguel got a girlfriend speaking of y/n, Maddie: i was really excited that i'd have another girl friend that's close to miguel  and i was really happy for him Mason: i was happy for him as well and im glad he found a girl like y/n to love him and be there for him Miguel:-smiles- and im glad i did to Y/n:-smiles- Interviewer: seems like a love story, next is Miguel do you  actually have 6 toes? Y/n:-bursts out laughing- Maddie:-laughing- Miguel: oh my god no i don't have 6 toes-laughs-yall really trying to put me on the spot like dude

Mason:-laughing- i have no idea why everyone asks that Interviewer: -laughs- yeah that the 2nd most asked question for some reason but Miguel do you have a good relationship with your mom? Miguel: of course i do i post pictures of me and her together time to time but overall yes me and my mom do have a really good relationship Interviewer: what about you y/n? Y/n: yeah same here Interviewer: y/n do you have any siblings? Y/n: yep most of you don't know this but i actually have 2 older twin brothers Alexander but alex for short and noah so yes me and a sister! Miguel: nice Maddie: i never knew that that's really cool Mason: yeah! Interviewer: so your telling me your a triplet? Y/n: mhm! im the last triplet and sibling as the youngest Interviewer: y/n how old are your brothers? Y/n: they're the same age as Miguel(this makes no sense if they're triplets but its whatever) just one is older then the other by 2 days Mason: cool! Maddie: Ooo sounds cool  Interviewer: will we get a chance to meet your brothers? Miguel: i hope so uh Maddie: same here Mason: i'd be nice to meet some of y/n's family Y/n:-chuckles- Interviewer: well that'll be all for today

Interviwer: thank all 4 of you for agreeing to doing another interview, and thank you for answering these questions -they stand up- Miguel: haha your welcome Maddie: it was a pleasure being on this show again Y/n: yeah! it was really fun being here! Mason: it was nice coming back -shakes the interviewer's hand- Interviewer: i hope to see you 4 at the 2nd party for the black phone cast Miguel: oh well be there for sure Maddie: yeah what he said! Mason: we'll be there! Miguel:-holds y/n's hand and starts walking off stage with mason and maddie- -after they get home they're all on the couch in the living room- Mason: well that was intresting and fun at the same time but im hyped for the party for the black phone Maddie: there was already 1 i guess there's gonna be a 2nd party Miguel: for real tho but anyways im bringing y/n along for this party Y/n: ehh alrightt-gets on phone- Mason: i wonder who's all  gonna be at this party Maddie: probably the usual that was there the first time but i don't know Mason: yeah true Miguel: and im gonna head upstairs and play my guitar and probably post on instagram or something Maddie: okay! have fun  Mason: have fun-miguel goes upstairs- Maddie: y/n get off the phone, your too into it-laughs- Y/n: sorry im just reading a lot of posts about the recent interview and stuff 

Mason: if there's hate comments or anything just ignore them, cause its most likely girls that are just jealous that your with miguel and they're not Maddie: exactly so don't listen to any of the hate comments it's not gonna be worth your time or anything Y/n: i know i won't let any of them get to me im fine Maddie: alright good i don't want you to be sad or anything Mason: same here your like a sister to me as well as Madeline is Y/n: thanks -hugs both of them- Mason: your welcome Maddie: anytime -y/n heads to the kitchen and opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle, then phone suddenly rings- hm?-answers- Hello? Emma: hey y/n! sorry i haven't been there with you im busy at the shop Y/n: oh its fine don't apologize i know its busy at times if you need any help i'll come help you Emma: no its okay! rest up i got everything under control  Y/n: well okay i'll talk to you later miguel still has a slight fever Emma: oh do you need me to bring anything? Y/n: no but i'll call you when i need you or something Emma: alright! bye stay ssafe Y/n: you too-hangs up and grabs Tylenol from the cabinet, and goes upstairs to miguel's room- hey Miguel: oh hey Y/n: you okay? i got you some Tylenol just in case your fever gets worse-sets it down on the stand- Miguel: thanks -he puts hiselectric guitar down- 

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