Chapter 9: Letting It All Out!

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*Firstly, I just want to apologise for the fact I haven't updated this story since May, that's 6 MONTHS!!! I didn't even realise it has been that long! Again, I'm so sorry but it's back and I hope you enjoy! Take Care!*


It's been a couple of days since Elizabeth's birthday, not too long but long enough for the moment between her and Logan to play over and over in her mind, it was only a near kiss but honestly it was keeping her up at night, she loves him and he loves her but things just don't seem to be right, like something is stopping them from being together again, but he's not sure what.

Lynn: I think your over thinking things. Just go tell her how you feel.

Logan's with his parent's, no real reason, just because he can be and he normally comes to them when he's in a little turmoil, trying to figure out why he can't just tell Elizabeth he still loves her and wants to be together again, well, it's eating him up inside, they were seconds away from a kiss the other day, that would have said everything he wanted to say to her but it didn't happen thanks to the ferris wheel moving, then it was just awkward.

Logan: It's really not that simple and any women that says it is, is batshit.

Logan's leaning on the kitchen side as Lynn was preparing dinner, Logan loves bringing Jason to his parents house for dinner every week or so and they love having them, only thing is that Malibu is quite a way out from here and the traffic is quite nuts, so Logan normally has to leave early to get Jason to bed in time, maybe they need a change of scenery.

Micheal: She's right, son. You are other thinking things... 

Logan sighed to his dad walking into the kitchen and over to the fridge, Logan might not be Lynn's biological son but he defiantly see's her as such, his birth mother wasn't much of a mother to be fair, Logan's only just found out he actually had a biological sister as well, he hasn't told these guys about her yet, she doesn't want anyone to know, she wants to make it herself, just like Logan did all those weeks ago.

Terri: Oh please, your still caught up on her ditching you with J so your scared to go back.

Logan, Micheal and Lynn all looked at the kitchen door to see his younger sibling, Terri walk into the room, Micheal had just handed Logan a beer but neither let go of the bottle since they were a little stunned that she knew what they were talking about, Terri saw their faces and sighed with an eye roll.

Terri: Seriously? As much as I love you mom and dad, you two don't know what it's like dating now. Trust me. Your still caught up on her leaving you alone, so it's holding you back.

Logan looked to her and thought about it for a second, that was over 5 years ago now, nearly 6 since Jason's Birthday isn't far away, but he's pretty sure he's forgiven her, he's let her back into his life, she's let him back into her's, there's no reason why he wouldn't have forgiven her for what she did.

Logan: No. That can't be right, she's be working her but off to make things up to Jason. I haven't...

Logan twisted the bottle cap off his drink and too a sip, he's not much of a drinker but when it comes to socializing and talking about his feelings, there's no better medicine then a nice cold beer, but he can't ignore the fact that Terri is actually making a lot of sense, so much so that neither her mother or father could actually explain.

Terri: Right, she's been making it up to J but has she been making things up to you?

Micheal and Lynn shared a surprised look to their daughter's words then looked to Logan, sure there was the night at the OSCAR's which they both enjoyed, no matter what lies Aubrey says though, nothing happened more then a little light drunk kissing, she seem's to think they did more, then again Logan can't remember if they did, Elizabeth was the more sober of the two so she's the best to ask about that night really.

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