Chapter 1: New Years!

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It's New Years Eve and Elizabeth is having a small party to celebrate the New Year coming, that includes her son, yes, the infamous Scarlet Witch has a son and he's great, just like his father, Logan Kenway.

Logan is a different man, not just in the sense of the word but he is, he survived a rough upbringing, then moved to a completely different world, after that withing 2 years he was the star man in Christopher Nolan's Batman, that is considered the best Batman Trilogy to grace the Movie screen, Logan was only 17 when they started work on it, Elizabeth didn't meet Logan till after the Dark Knight Trilogy, they first met while working on "In Secret", Logan was so kind to her, she was pretty nervous while doing the sex scenes.

It wasn't till they both worked together with Godzilla that she really started to see Logan in a different light, she started to have feelings for him, so when he asked her out, she agreed, that lead to they're son, Jason being born, he's 6 years old now and Elizabeth hates the fact at one point she chose her career over them both, it's not something she's proud of doing and would if she could, change it, however, she can't, that's why she's trying now, only thing is, Logan seems to have moved on.

Mary-Kate: Are they both coming tonight?

Elizabeth's house is already pretty full with friends and family all ready to count in the New Year, her sister's have helped a lot with this situation with Logan, she realises now how much she loves him, she just hopped she could have known that before she chose her career over him.

Elizabeth: Jason is. Logan never actually gave me an answer.

She seemed pretty bumped out about that, since Jason was 3 or 4, Elizabeth has been back in his life, sure Logan still technically has full custody, he does want Jason to have a relationship with his mother, one that Logan never did.

Ashley: Well, keep at him. He'll come around.

Elizabeth was thankful that her sister's were helping her with this, Ashley was also pretty annoyed Elizabeth chose what she did, Ashley liked Logan, so did Mary-Kate, both of them didn't condone what Elizabeth decided but she is their sister and wants to help her, Logan was good for her, it was Logan who told her to audition for Wanda, if it wasn't for Logan, Elizabeth wouldn't have got the part.

Elizabeth: That's them.

Elizabeth heard the door bell ring, Mary-Kate and Ashley whished her luck before she walked over towards the front door as soon as she got there she opened the door to see him, the love of her life with their son, Jason's wearing a pair of jeans and nice shirt with a backpack on, he's staying the night.

Elizabeth: Hey baby.

Jason happily ran to her and hugged his mother's legs, Elizabeth hugged him back while Logan smiled putting his hands in his jean pockets, he's taller then most guys, probably why he got the Batman role to begin with, Elizabeth kissed the top of Jason's head before the boy ran inside after seeing other members of her family, Logan stepped forward, now standing on the door step, Elizabeth looked up to him and wanted to seem cool.

Elizabeth: Are you staying as well, your welcome to.

She's pretty sure she kept her cool because if she didn't then Logan would be smiling at her, instead he shook his head in a "No" motion, Elizabeth can't lie and say she didn't hate hearing that because she did, it would have been nice starting the New Year with him.

Logan: Sorry, no. I uh, I have somewhere else to be...

Logan did honestly look sorry for that but Elizabeth didn't really notice it, she's too disappointed that he's not staying, she was hoping that tonight could be the metaphorical "Olive branch", a conversation where she could apologise for being a fool, instead, that's not going to happen.

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