~9 (the party; pt 1)~

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*Trigger warning (this will span between both chapters)- sa/rape, drinks being roofied and mentions of self harm*


"Baji where the hell did you put my eyeliner" yells Chifuyu from their shared bathroom.

Baji peaks his head from his room and yells back "I put it in the cabinet behind the mirror." Baji then shuts the door and turns back around to Mikey. "Are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?"

Mikey puts a hand over his heart as if the other has wounded him. "When have I ever been wrong, we just need one game of truth of dare and I'll dare you to do something with them?" Baji rolls his eyes knowing tonight can go in two completely different directions. He subconsciously starts biting at his nails, nervous that he might be rejected today, what will he do then ? Would they have to move out if things get too awkward ? Will this mess up their future plans ? Would they be willing to be in a poly relationship?

Mikey stands up and grabs Baji by his shoulders, "I can hear your overthinking from here, it's going to turn out fine and then you can thank me later !"

Baji lets out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding "yeah you're right" 'hopefully' he thinks to himself.


In Kazutora's room Chifuyu is doing his eyeliner at the mirror while Kazutora is sitting in front of Haruchiyo getting his hair done. "How many people do you think are showing up tonight !" Says Chifuyu.

Kazutora brings a finger to the side of his face while thinking for a moment "too many, Koko is that one rich friend who knows everybody plus his house is a fucking mansion."

Haruchiyo laughs softly at the comment, it being hilariously true, "what he said" he adds in which causes Chifuyu to let out an exasperated sigh. All three males begin laughing before going back to what they were doing.

Haruchiyo's mind wanders to the possibilities of tonight. It's the first time in months that everyone is going to be together again. There's also going to be peope he's never met before, what if they comment on his scars or his outfit. What if he runs into Senju since she's back in town ? He subconsciously tightens his hold on Kazutora's as his body tenses at these thoughts.

"You good ?" Asks Kazutora while pulling his hair out of Haru's grasp soothing his aching head, he turns around to look at the pink haired male.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to i'm just a little nervous for tonight I guess," Haruchiyo says honestly, he doesn't know why but he has a bad feeling deep down in his gut. He tries to push the thoughts away as he begins brushing Kazutora's hair again.

Chifuyu looks over at the pair, "I don't mean to intrude but what has you so nervous." Haruchiyo stops brushing Kazutora's hair and looks over to Chifuyu with soft eyes, "there's a few people I don't want to run into."

Chifuyu gives him a look of understanding, "I doubt anything will happen plus you have us there, don't be afraid to approach us if you feel uncomfortable."

Haru doesn't respond but instead gives Chifuyu a soft smile which he can read as a thank you. Chifuyu gives him a smile back before going back to doing his makeup. Kazutora keeps taking glances at Chifuyu, loving the way the black eyeliner makes his blue eyes pop.

Chifuyu finishes and without a word walks over to Kazutora and takes a seat in front of him, almost directly on his lap. Kazutora's eyes widen slightly and he feels his pulse quicken as Chifuyu shifts closer, he places two fingers under Toras chin moving his head up slightly. Chifuyu starts applying makeup on him. "Stay still" he says while applying the eyeshadow on Tora.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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